標題: Rodolfo Pizarro Jersey at Freeman Street
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註冊 2017-5-25
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-25 22:50  資料 私人訊息 
Rodolfo Pizarro Jersey at Freeman Street
I awaits victim’s full recoveryForty-year-old Aubrey Rodney,Quillan Roberts Toronto Shirts, the man who reportedly stabbed and beat his reputed wife in the head with a hammer, was yesterday ordered to stay 300 feet away from his partner 38-year-old Sharon Howell.Aubrey Rodney being escorted back to the holding area.Rodney and Howell appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for the continuation of the attempted murder case which was held in-camera, allegedly at the victim’s request.The charge against Rodney states that on May 27, last, at Freeman Street, East La Penitence, he attempted to murder Howell. He first made an appearance before Magistrate Hazel Octive–Hamilton. That was however done after Rodney had received medical attention since the man had allegedly ingested a poisonous substance following the alleged attack on his wife. After facing Magistrate Octive–Hamilton, the accused was remanded.Rodney later made another court appearance where he was granted bail. The bail however stipulated that the accused surrender his passport, where his pre-trial liberty depended on the document being lodged with authorities.Rodney was still unable to produce the travel document yesterday. It was however revealed that the document may have been in his reputed wife’s possession. But the victim, in ventilating the issue,Ezequiel Lavezzi Argentina Jersey, said that during her time at the hospital,Fernando Gago Argentina Jersey, the children gathered and packed all of Rodney’s belongings and placed them outside for his family to uplift. She said no one came for the stuff and the passport along with the rest of his belongings may have been taken away by the garbage truck.In light of the information, the court lifted the passport stipulation, and Rodney was then ordered to report to the Golden Grove Police Station twice a week. In addition to those requirements, the accused was ordered to stay away from all witnesses taking part in the attempted murder case. The man was ordered not to contact or harass the persons involved. He was further ordered to keep a 300-ft. distance away from the victim.Sergeant Neville Jeffers is prosecuting the matter and he informed the court that the prosecution is ready to proceed with the Preliminary Inquiry.He however said that due to the victim’s condition,Daley Blind Jersey, the matter could not get underway. Jeffers said that the victim was not fully recovered as her speech was still affected. Rodney will need to post bail to the tune of $400,000 if he is to secure his pre-trial liberty.It is alleged that Rodney stabbed his lover twice in the abdomen, once in the chest and mouth before he ingested poison in an attempt to take his own life. Howell,Fabinho Brazil Jersey, of 81 East La Penitence, Georgetown,Andre Schurrle Jersey, spent quite some time in the Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where doctors said she had a 50/50 chance of survival. It was said that the mother of 10 sustained a fractured skull and significant damage to her brain, while Rodney at the time was being held under police guard in the GPHC’s Male Medical Ward.The matter will be called again on July 31.