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Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale 00 hrs to 18
As today is International Women’s Day, the Caribbean American Domestic ViolencePerformers at last CADVA/One Billion Rising event “His Side, Her Side and The Truth”Awareness Observation (CADVA and the Caribbean One Billion Group (OBR),NCAA Hockey Jerseys, will be hosting their Women Speaker Series – Sister to Sister Circle.Tomorrow the groups will be hosting the Red Revolution Gala event at the National Cultural Centre.Today’s event will be held at the Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, with a luncheon from 10:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs.The event is touted as the day Guyana will rise with the rest of the world under the theme: ‘Make It Happen’. Women will be allowed to relate their stories of abuse in an open forum that aims to break the cycle of abuse that women face.Various recognisable women’s activists will be featured at the forum, with appearances from the founder of the Mother Daughter Fund Project, Jodi Walters along with a writer from Guyanese Girls Rock Blog,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Cloyette Harris among others.According to Dianne Madray, CADVA Operations and Programmes Director,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, at yesterday’s Pegasus Hotel press conference, the event will be “transforming the landscape for International Women’s Day”. She described today’s event as a “revolution” which will allow women to open up about the struggles they’ve gone through.“This is a revolution and part of the revolution is that we want to remove the stain and the stigma of abuse of sexual violence and walk out of there feeling free and energized,” said Madray.Tomorrow’s National Cultural Centre event will be an artistic presentation consisting of musical, spoken words and dramatic presentations honoring several local women at the Red Revolution Gala. Headlining this event will be the New York City Youth Poet Laureate,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Ramya Ramana and? is scheduled to begin at 19:30hrs to the general public.The International Women’s Day events will also include a tribute to former Government Minister and women’s rights activist Dr Faith Harding,Nike NFL Jerseys China, featuring a special message from Patrick and Lisa Harding. The Gala event will also honour 100 Guyanese women with tokens of appreciation for their perseverance and bravery in the face of adversity.Additionally, the founder of CADVA, Sukree Boodram, will join in sharing her experiences of abuse. She related to this publication a noticeable change in how people talk about domestic/sexual abuse in Guyana.“People are not silent anymore. They are not afraid to speak up. They may not know the answers and they may not know where to go or what to do but at least they know that they can share their experiences,” said Boodram.She also noted that the media and other agencies have increased coverage of abuse, something that was hardly seen before their “Break the Silence, Raise Awareness” campaign in 2010.Boodram hopes that this year’s International Women’s Day events will spark some introspection among attendees and inspire them to ask the question “Was justice done for the victims of domestic/sexual abuse?”If the answer is no, then men and women are welcomed to join CADVA and OBR at a special 7:00hrs event near the Kitty Public Road junction.“We want women to be empowered and feel like they have a chance to make a choice to change their life,” said the CADVA founder.Speaking with this publication, Cloyette Harris, writer of the ‘Guyanese Girls Rocks’ blog and a featured speaker at today’s event, said that this year’s International Women’s Day will build a deeper connection between women in Guyana and the rest of the world.She said that she’s seen such connections grow through mediums like her blog,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, with this year’s activities building on that premise.According to event organisers the two-day activities will bring together Guyanese women and men in the upcoming Global Rising campaign. The initiative is aimed at advocating for women who have struggled through Domestic Violence/Sexual Violence while commemorating those who have lost their lives or “vanished without a trace” due to such abuse.