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NCAA Hockey Jerseys protected]
By Dr. NerominiFaguWisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to erupt in our mouth.? In dental speak these teeth are called our thirdDr. NerominiFagumolars and they are located at the very back of our mouth.? They develop far later than our other teeth, usually in our late teens or early twenties and for some people they never even erupt at all.Sometimes there isn’t enough room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to come through properly and this can then lead to many complications including severe tooth and gum pain.Our teeth develop in a very organized way over the course of years with the first molar erupting around the age of six and the second molar erupting around the age of twelve. Wisdom teeth, which begin forming around our tenth birthday, are the last set of molars on the tooth-development timeline and usually begin erupting between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five. It is for this reason that they got the name wisdom teeth.? Back in the seventeenth century, these teeth were commonly referred to as “teeth of wisdom” until that gradually changed to “wisdom teeth” in the nineteenth century.? The name was given because the teeth erupted at a time in a person’s life when they are thought to be older and wiser.So why do we have wisdom teeth?? Scientists believe wisdom teeth were the evolutionary answer to our ancestor’s early diet of coarse,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, rough food such as leaves, roots, nuts and meats.? These foods required more chewing power and resulted in excessive wear of the teeth.? During evolution over the centuries as our brain expanded in size, our jaw had to become narrower so that it could still connect to the lower part of the skull.Dental Health Wisdom TeethBut the genes that controlled the number of teeth evolved separately from those that control brain development, so that today the human jaw is often not large enough to give wisdom teeth enough room to erupt and sit properly in the mouth.The modern diet with its softer, processed foods, along with advancements such as forks, spoons, and knives,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, has made wisdom teeth unnecessary. As a result, evolutionary biologists now classify wisdom teeth as vestigial organs,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, being body parts that have become functionless due to evolution.Some people never get wisdom teeth, but for those who do, the number of teeth may be anywhere from one to four – and on very rare occasions more than four, according to a study published in the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association. Because human jaws have become smaller, when wisdom teeth form they often become impacted,Cheap Jerseys From China, or blocked,NFL Jerseys Supply, by the other teeth around them. Also, if the tooth partially erupts,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, food can get trapped in the gum tissue surrounding it which can lead to bacteria growth, and possibly a serious infection.According to the American Dental Association, wisdom teeth removal may be necessary if you experience changes in the area of the wisdom teeth such as:•Pain•Repeated infection of soft tissue behind the lower last tooth•Cysts•Tumors•Damage to nearby teeth•Gum disease•Extensive tooth decayThe American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons estimate that about eight five percent of wisdom teeth will eventually need to be removed.? They strongly recommend that patients remove wisdom teeth when they are young adults, in order to “prevent future problems and to ensure optimal healing.”People who have oral surgery after the age of thirty-five have higher risks for complications, harder surgeries, and longer healing times than those who get them removed in their late teens or early twenties.? It is suggested that the best time to have the removal is when the roots are about two-thirds formed, which is generally between the ages of fifteen and eighteen years.If you have concerns about your wisdom teeth talk to your dentists.? They will be best able to advise you on the proper course of treatment.For more information contact OMNI DENTAL at 295 Quamina Street, Georgetown Tel: 227-0025, Parika Tel: 260-3133 or send emails to [email protected]