標題: Cheap Hockey Jerseys PMI SCC
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-20 16:30  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Hockey Jerseys PMI SCC
The Project Management Institute Southern Caribbean Chapter (PMI SCC),NFL Jerseys Outlet, which recently inaugurated a local body,Cheap Jerseys From China, is gearing for a technical session nearing the end of November.President of PMI SCC, Michael Charles, said that after having a successful inauguration ceremony and project management conference, this technical session is important to get the momentum going.The Guyana Committee of PMI SCC was inaugurated on October 31 last, during a one-day event at the Le Meridien Pegasus Hotel.During that event, five project management professionals made presentations, and brief remarks were also delivered by the Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Ms Jennifer Webster.Charles said that the function exceeded expectations, in terms of the number of participants, the enthusiasm displayed, and the quality of questions that were asked of the presenters.This, he added, demonstrates to the PMI SCC that the Guyanese project managers are very knowledgeable on the subject,Cheap Jerseys From China, despite there being a lot of room for improvement.However, there is a yearning to know what are the current best practices in the world,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, and what are the lessons leant from projects that have been executed around the world.According to Charles, the actual logistics on physical amenities were excellent and on par with any other country where they have held conferences.“Given that this was our first conference, and when you consider that in Trinidad our first conference attracted 140 people, today’s one-day event attracted 117 people. We are very encouraged.”He added that this means that, post the inauguration event, they intend to make sure that the Guyana committee becomes very active and does not allow the momentum gained to slip away.“We actually are focusing on having a technical session at the end of November for our PMP’s and any other interested personnel.”Charles noted that, at this session, they are looking to have one of the local project managers put on a 40-minute presentation on his project and how it is going, and get the momentum going on having continuous technical sessions.The objective, he said, is to have monthly technical sessions that will keep the project management profession enthused and provide networking among them, and also provide a means for local project managers to gain professional development units (PDU’s) to maintain their certification.Charles, who is a project management professional, also made a presentation during the conference,Cheap Jerseys From China, which focused on a contractor’s perspective on preparing bids and the challenges that contractors face when they have to prepare bids with a time line that the client has imposed upon them without any real consultation with the contractor.“Unless a contractor aligns himself with good project management processes, he will find himself very challenged in producing a good bid; and producing a good bid is essential, because if he wins the bid and the bid is not good he is going to lose money,Wholesale Jerseys From China, and if he doesn’t provide a good bid he won’t win any work.”Charles’s paper focused on project management processes that a contractor must involve himself in and learn, so he can meet challenges of bid preparation.Charles also pointed out that, during the session, there was a lot of dialogue in terms of contractor/owner type attitudes and the misalignment of contractor and owner, and how it affects project success and outcome. He also stated that the project management conference may become an annual event.