標題: Wholesale Jerseys as religious organizations
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-20 10:52  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys as religious organizations
The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) has commended Sheik Moeenul Hack for addressing the subject of Suicide that is currently gripping our Nation.In his Friday sermon at the Queenstown Mosque, Sheik Moeenul gave the Islamic perspective as it relates to the afterlife of those who take their own life. He emphasized on the various reasons that may lead someone to commit a suicidal act, which he emphasized is mainly due to a lack of understanding and education of their religion.The CIOG is of the opinion that in order to curb the tide of suicide that is engulfing many people, we need all religious groups to concentrate on providing easy accessible counseling service to those in need.“These services should also cater to educate and enlighten adults and teenagers of the futility of giving up on life despite the circumstances they may be faced with. We, as religious organizations, should work to elevate the causes that will drive someone to commit such an act. This life is neither our personal possession nor our property.“It is a trust from God Almighty, the real owner.”Sheik Moeenul Hack said that God Almighty made life sacred and prohibits anyone from taking his or her life or the life of another. We all have a responsibility to protect and sustain life.“Our belief in the hereafter gives meaning and purpose to our existence in this temporary phase of our lives in this world. This belief must be strengthened in order for us to overcome our challenges in this world.“God Almighty is the author of life and He alone can take it whenever he pleases. He is greater than our problems and only prayer from us. When God answers our prayers He wants to increase our faith in Him. When he delays, He wants to increase our patience,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and when He does not answer our prayers He has something better for us. Suicide is therefore fatal and futile.”The CIOG,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, he said,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, believes that in order to effectively deal with this problem, people need to return to strengthening the family ties and not only to show love, but also to demonstrate love to their spouses,Nike NFL Jerseys China, children and other family members.Too many times children are pre occupied with the cell phones and internet, and so are the parents that the art of conversation ceases to exist in the home,NFL Jerseys China, he said.“If we return to communicating with our families,Cheap NFL Jerseys, we will be the first to discover if they are in need of guidance, compassion and assistance in dealing with their situation.”