標題: Dorian Johnson Womens Jersey ” Mahadeo said
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-10 20:45  資料 私人訊息 
Dorian Johnson Womens Jersey ” Mahadeo said
Although Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company does not have a shortage of cell phone cards on the market,Will Middlebrooks Jersey, unscrupulous vendors are charging $220 for a $200 cell card and $540 for a $500 card at most outlets at Stabroek Market.Some vendors when asked why the extra price for the cell phone cards,Jaromir Jagr Rangers Jersey, disclosed that they had purchased the cell cards on the “black-market” since the GT&T has a supply shortage.Chief Executive Officer of GT&T,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Nike-Sock-Dart/, Yog Mahadeo,Kareem Abdul-Jabbar UCLA Jersey, said that there is no “black-market” for GT&T cards since there is an adequate supply on hand.He said that perhaps some of those persons are being paid by the usual mischief-makers to do this.“Consumers should not pay more for the cards and should send us the information of the vendors’ names from whom they bought such cards,Jatavis Brown Chargers Jersey,” Mahadeo said