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註冊 2017-5-25
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Kyle Lowry Villanova Jersey PA
…assessment teams due this month With their presence here in Guyana, there is no way that certain PPP wrongdoers could think they will get off the hook – Dr. Clive ThomasThe State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) has made a significant step in garnering the support of the United Nations and World Bank in the fight against corruption in Guyana.According to SARU’s head, Dr. Clive Thomas, efforts were being made to get both entities on board through their joint programme called the State Asset Recovery Initiative. He said that after a few discussions, the two bodies have decided to come on board based on their own concerns regarding the state of corruption in Guyana.“They are coming in the third week of January to assess our needs. We had a number of meetings with them so far and they are coming to provide technical assistance for us. This is the biggest step for us in terms of international partners, and it signals that the international community wants to see us get our act together. With their presence here in Guyana, there is no way that certain PPP wrongdoers could think they will get off the hook,” the economist said.Additionally, Thomas recalled that the draft legislation for his department is finally completed. More importantly, he said that it has been given the blessings of international asset recovery and fraud specialists.The economist hopes that the legislation will be taken to Parliament in a timely manner, at least by the earliest sitting of the National Assembly next year.“I am happy that this is finally finished. The experts made some extremely useful inputs to the draft legislation in terms of how we are to strengthen our security and how prosecution should be handled. The draft Bill also sees SARU getting the sort of legal backing that it needs when it comes to certain fraud cases.”“More importantly, I must say that the work of the department under the Ministry of the Presidency is moving along effectively, but there are those who feel we are a toothless poodle and all sorts of things. These comments come particularly from the opposition.”“I am not surprised that they are opposed to us. But let me make it clear, the international community and this coalition government understand the importance of this department, and they continue to encourage us with our work. SARU has an important responsibility, being the protector against the misuse of state assets.”“This agency is not going to let anyone who was involved in that ring get away. The full extent of the law shall be there to hold them. And it is for this reason that the Opposition makes certain comments about us and has a hateful disposition towards us. It is nothing but fear. They fear such an agency being strengthened,Alex Anzalone Womens Jersey, because they know that we are not going to tolerate the corruption that they got away with.”Dr. Thomas had also expressed sincere appreciation for the help being extended by Mr. Brian Horne, a specialist from the United Kingdom.Mr. Horne, who is a Guyanese by birth, has spent most of his life in the United Kingdom. He has worked in more than 22 countries in the field of the recovery of state assets and the successful prosecution of the defaulters.Dr. Thomas had said that once the draft legislation receives the blessings of the House and the assent of President David Granger, the entity will be renamed the State Asset Recovery Agency.SARU has handled one of the most controversial cases, which involves the fraudulent sale of state land under the previous regime – otherwise known as the “Pradoville Two scandal.”The Ministry of Housing had called on the Recovery Unit to investigate the ‘Pradoville Two’ deal.Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Keith Scott, had disclosed that the area situated at Parcel 172 Plantation Sparendaam and Parcel 237 Plantation Goedverwagting, known by citizens as Pradoville 2, was “mutated” and sold, subject to a Cabinet decision.While he did not say when, from indications it was done under the Bharrat Jagdeo administration. Jagdeo’s last term in office ended in 2011.The state-owned NICIL/Privatisation Unit was authorized to do all acts necessary to ensure the vesting of the new development project in the CH&PA,Kendell Beckwith Buccaneers Jersey, the body which is tasked with overseeing housing developments in Guyana.NICIL/Privatisation Unit was headed by Winston Brassington, an executive who oversaw a number of contentious multi-billion-dollar public infrastructure deals.According to Scott, the allocation of parcels of land to several former ministers,Michael Bradley Toronto Shirts, senior Government officials and friends close to the PPP administration, and the method to determine the price