標題: Jerseys NFL Cheap Youth and Sport
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-8 11:16  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL Cheap Youth and Sport
Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) has signed a corporate sponsorship contract with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport to the tune of over $10M for CARIFESTA activities,Marshon Lattimore Jersey, thus making the international award wining Demerara Gold the official liquor brand for CARIFESTA X.Speaking at the signing ceremony on Thursday morning at the CARIFESTA Secretariat, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony said that DDL, as the first official sponsor of CARIFESTA, has led the way which other major sponsors will hopefully follow in the run up to CARIFESTA X.Minister Anthony noted that the Ministry of Culture was currently in discussion with five other major sponsors who are expected to come on board soon. The Minister expressed hope that corporate entities will make inroads into overseas markets based on the exposure that CARIFESTA will offer.In brief comments following the signing, Marketing Director of DDL,Mike Williams Youth Jersey, Sharda Veeren-Chand,Josh Hart College Jersey, said DDL sees CARIFESTA as a great opportunity for Guyana to showcase its unique cultural diversity.?For its part of the sponsorship package, DDL will expend $10M towards CARIFESTA activities, will host one CARIFESTA super concert and sponsor marketing and publicity for the 10-day mega festival,Neven Subotic Dortmund Jersey, which Guyana is gearing to host between August 22 and August 31.In turn, the beverage company has earned the official rights for the use of the CARIFESTA logo and entry into official venues earmarked to host CARIFESTA events.????On hand to witness the signing ceremony were Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture,Walace Brazil Jersey, Youth and Sport, Colonel Keith Booker,Michael Roberts Jersey, and Chief Executive Officer of the CARIFESTA Secretariat, Nigel Dharamlall.