標題: Samir Nasri Jersey dsz54vjw
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積分 68535
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-2 18:46  資料 私人訊息 
Samir Nasri Jersey dsz54vjw
Dem boys sehDem had a really powerful building expo. If you see people who attend every night. Everything that mekking in Guyana was on display. Dem boys see house that really nice and different from de old time house that people use to mek. Was modern house fuh modern dollar.But Irfaat nearly spoil de whole event. He get dem boys fuh mek a banner wid he photo. De banner had Bar-Rat photo too. Dem tie de banner to one of dem light post and dem tie de other end to a lamp post outside de stadium.Everybody know that if you put up something like that you got to put some hole inside suh breeze can pass through. Otherwise,Lionel Messi Barcelona Jersey, de thing does get like a sail and does have a lot of force. But dem boys seh that Irfaat couldn’t know bout that. He know bout water pipe and land.Before de expo start dem boys see de light pole which bolt down tight start fuh shift. De bolt start fuh rip out. People start fuh run because dem hear de sound. Irfaat run and move de banner and de light post.Is de same thing dem do wid some file out of de Deeds Registry. People move de file because if de ordinary man put he hand pun it he gun see things that can create real problems fuh some Ministers and dem friends.Dem boys seh that de file gun go back but people ain’t gun know it because wha deh inside gun change up. But any smart person gun see that new paper inside and is de new paper that gun give away de situation.And a man done threaten fuh deal wid Kwame. De man seh that Kwame tekking de government money and doing damage to people,Antonio Valencia Manchester Jersey, wuss than he does do to heself. De man promise to peep he card and show everybody. But dem boys seh that is a waste of time. Kwame card got suh much hole that all people got to do is look.Kwame is African fuh James. Quamina is Jane. When people ask who do something and somebody reply “is Kwame nah”,Justin Morrow Toronto Shirts, dem right and dem don’t know it.And dem boys still want know who was de ghetto youth that Kwame carry to Barbados.Talk half. Lef half.