標題: Joel Campbell Jersey small or large
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Joel Campbell Jersey small or large
– Minister promises action in three weeksBy Zena HenryWithin three weeks’ time, small miners of Port Kaituma are expected to receive possibly new and alternate blocks of land to ply their trade after demonstrating against raids and the destruction of their equipment by authorities. The miners expressed their frustration, while claiming that they are being sidelined to accommodate larger companies and operators.The miners admitted to Kaieteur News that while some persons are operating illegally, it is as a result of the government’s failure to provide means for the small operators. Others say that while they would have received land, it is not in close proximity,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, while there are no access roads to the far-reaching lots.Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, has however given his word that these small miners will be taken care of within three weeks’ time, once they provide the relevant information. To those not satisfied with the land received, Persaud said that the only way to address the issue is to swap the unwanted land for another plot. He explained that the land would have been provided by a lottery system along with the information about the area.The miners said that areas were identified but not specific locations, hence some of the properties received cannot be located on the map. During the one-on-one with the miners,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Persaud promised that the issue would be reviewed and the miners would receive their land, licences etc. once the requisite information is submitted.Persaud mentioned that the area received close to 65 prospecting licences, 430 medium scale prospecting permits, 30 mining permits and 63 special mining permits. He said that the government is in the process of processing over 123 blocks of land to small miners through the lottery process. He spoke extensively on the issue of illegal mining and stressed the Ministry’s non-tolerance of the act.He told the miners that they should get up a list of the troubled miners with their information and submit it through the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) with a copy to the Natural Resource Ministry. He continued that at least three weeks would be needed for the information to be checked out and the lands investigated before any changes are made.It was mentioned also that the criteria for land was also relaxed since applicants can receive prospecting licences without the need to have a dredge. Sub- zoning in the mining districts are also being promoted,Wholesale Jerseys, the operators were told.“The intention of the lottery is to provide lands to the small miners, but if you are able to say we have this, and we investigate and determine that the land is really far out, and there is alternative land available, then we can consider that,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale,” Persaud said.“I want when you go to sleep at night, it is clear in your mind that what you’re doing is legal and that you don’t have to grease anybody’s hand to survive the next day. To live in that condition is not good for you and your family. I don’t want miners, small or large,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, having to go through that. We have come far with mining, it will call for some sacrifices,Chile Jersey, but it’s time we do it right, that is why we had the lottery involving small miners, but if you think the land is too far, then after the relevant documentation we will do it.”The small miners had greeted the Minister with banners and placards during a demonstration at the Port Kaituma Airstrip last week. Members of the Small Miners Association and the Women Miners Organisation said they were facing difficulty as the businesses of food providers, shopkeepers and connecting trades were being disrupted because of the clampdown on the small miners who were being “sidelined.”The Minister assured that even if he could not make the upcoming return trip to the area, a team would return to deliver the hopefully good news to the small-time mining operators.