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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-1 19:09  資料 私人訊息 
Michel Vorm Hotspur Jersey UK …
… Pit bulls attackFifty-four-year-old Patrick Gordon of 610 Back Circle,Jesse Lingard Manchester United Jersey, East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme,Collen Warner Toronto Jersey, who was severely bitten in the face by pit bulls in his neighbourhood last August,Kevin Strootman Netherland Jersey, is claiming that the police and the owner of the dog are colluding to stifle him from receiving justice.Patrick Gordon whose face was severely damaged During that attack the left side of Gordon’s face required stitches from the lip to the earlobe.According to Gordon,Michy Batshuayi Jersey, an arrest warrant was issued for “Lance Corporal Richie” by Magistrate Fazil Azeez,Yaya Toure Manchester City Jersey, since the police rank failed to attend court to produce the medical certificate. “The police and the man who owns the dog are friends. Without the medical the case cannot proceed.”Gordon whose face was severely disfigured is calling on the Commissioner of Police to investigate the junior rank that seems to have no regards for the rule of law and the judicial system.“The owner offered me compensation, but at the time I told him I didn’t have time with compensation…the amount of terrible pain I was in.”The injured man’s relatives told Kaieteur News that this is not the first time the dogs had attacked someone.“Was just last year that the same dogs had attacked a small child,Luiz Gustavo Jersey, they were warned by a magistrate that if their dogs attack anybody else they will be charged.”Kaieteur News was unable to contact the owner of the dogs.