標題: Dani Alves Jersey 129
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-1 04:42  資料 私人訊息 
Dani Alves Jersey 129
Urgent financial assistance is needed to save the life of a thirteen year old girl, who is diagnosed with a rare tumor of the brain.Local doctors diagnosed Gabrellia Motayne,Daryl Janmaat Netherland Jersey, a student of South Ruimveldt Secondary School, with low-grade astrocytoma, fourteen days ago.Gabrellia MotayneLow grade astrocytoma is an uncommon brain tumor made up of malignant neoplasms of the central nervous system which are fatal in a great majority of patients.The child has been referred to an overseas based neurological center for immediate surgery and treatment. However, this type of surgery, will cost, USD $43,Marco Fabian Mexico Jersey, 129, 00 which is equivalent to almost GYD $9 million.Motayne’s relatives have since raised $ 4.5 million, but there is still need for at least GYD $5.4 million to cover the entire operation.“We are grateful whatever way people can help us right now physically, financially and even through prayers,” the girl‘s mother,Jack Dunn Liverpool Jersey, Sharmalitta Motayne told this newspaper.She said that her daughter began to show signs of the illness two months ago with an episode of migraine headaches, fainting and blurred vision.“My daughter has had a history of migraines but recently it began to affect her vision, she developed blurred vision in the left eye. I decided to take Gabrellia to the eye specialist, but we were referred to the Balwant Singh Hospital. Doctors there conducted a MRI which revealed a swollen nerve at the back of her left eye which is connected to a tumor in my daughter’s brain. Doctors told me that she would need immediate surgery and treatment which is not available in Guyana…. We have since made contact with a neurologist in Trinidad and paid $4.5 million which will be used for the initial testing process… but we still need $5.4 million to pay for complete surgery and this money needs to be available by next Tuesday or Gabrellia will not get the surgery she needs”Relatives say that the tumor is rapidly developing since the thirteen- year old now has distorted vision from both eyes.“She currently not able to see properly from both her eyes,Brad Jones Jersey, we have to do almost everything for her. It has been hard on her since the diagnosis; it has gotten worse because she is taking it on….”Motayne is scheduled to undergo corrective brain surgery in Trinidad next week.Relatives are hopeful of acquiring the necessary funds before Tuesday,Morgan Schneiderlin Jersey, September 24,Jean-Christophe Bahebeck Jersey, 2013.The public can contribute to Gabriella’s surgery by making deposits to Citizen’s Bank account number # 218757254.