標題: Henrikh Mkhitaryan Jersey 62
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-8-1 00:08  資料 私人訊息 
Henrikh Mkhitaryan Jersey 62
Prosecutor Dionne Mc Cammon in the manslaughter trial of accused Wazim Mohamed, 26, called “Junior” of Mara, East Bank Berbice, gave a spirited address to the jury when the trial continued in the Berbice High Court before Justice Dawn Gregory and a mixed jury.Mohamed is accused of killing his one-time friend,Robin van Persie Netherlands Jersey, Russell Nelson, 62, called ‘Josie’ of Fyrish, Corentyne Berbice on September 27, 2005 at Fyrish Corentyne,Ryan Fulton Liverpool Jersey, Berbice.In her address which came one day after defence? Attorney at Law Charrandass Persaud addressed the jury,? Mc Cammon urged the jury to look at the evidence in totality. She told the jury that Nelson’s death was due to a fractured skull and septicaemia. He developed septicaemia because he was hospitalized as a result of the lash he received on his head.She urged the jury to digest the evidence.? Look at the caution statement of the accused in which he stated that he rode behind the accused and hit him,Diego Costa Jersey, she said. The act was deliberate as the accused had a piece of wood and the deceased was bare handed and was no threat,Hector Herrera Jersey, the prosecutor added.She told the jury that only the accused was there and only he knew what happened, so they must believe what was said in the caution statement. The caution statement, she said, tied in with what the other witnesses said in their statements.The prosecutor asked the jury not to believe the defence story and asked if it is a coincidence that the bag,Loris Karius Liverpool Jersey, the clothes,Julio Dominguez Mexico Jersey, slippers and other things were found at the scene next to the deceased. She also asked if it was a coincidence that the accused was found just three houses away from where the incident occurred with blood and mud on his skin.???? Wazim Mohamed is alleged to have beaten Nelson on a dam at Kilcoy Village on the Corentyne and left him in a critical condition. The man was picked up and rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital. He was later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital. He was subsequently returned to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he died on December 5, 2005. Mohamed was later arrested and charged for the crime.The accused had given an unsworn statement from the docks. He denied lashing Nelson causing him to die. . “I did not beat anyone. I did not give any statement to the police. I am innocent,” he had told the court.This is his third trial, the previous two ending in hung juries.