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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-31 21:24  資料 私人訊息 
Steven Berghuis Netherland Jersey Georgetown
—in light of contractual agreement with Pharsalus Gold IncThe People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is decrying the transfer of former junior Minister of Social Protection, Simona Broomes, to the Ministry of Natural Resources, claiming that a conflict of interest will arise.PPP General Secretary, Clement RoheeThis was communicated at the party’s weekly press conference by General Secretary, Clement Rohee. According to Rohee,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the Minister will be hampered in the conduct of her duties, as she has a “contractual agreement” with Pharsalus Gold Inc.“How can Broomes be responsible for overseeing the natural resources sector in Guyana, when she has a contractual agreement with Pharsalus Gold Inc (Troy Resources)?” Rohee asked.He queried whether Broomes would act or turn a blind eye, should there be breaches in the Occupational Safety and Health Protection of workers’ rights in the forestry and mining sectors. In addition, he posited a scenario of what would happen if the company did not comply with the various laws.Rohee stated that even if Broomes’s subject Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, steps in if a conflict of interest arises, the damage would have already been done.Removal was anticipatedRohee? said that Broomes’s removal had been anticipated by the party, as “her forays into the interior to address Trafficking in Persons (TIP) matters, without informing or consulting the subject Minister did not go down well.”“Broomes found herself? embattled with several of her Cabinet colleagues, including the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Business, and more especially with her subject Minister,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, Volda Lawrence.”“(But) what was not expected was her placement at the Ministry of National Resources, to keep a watchful eye on Trotman,” Rohee went on to declare. “The move can be characterized as putting a cat to watch milk.”Junior Minister of Natural Resources, Simona BroomesTo support this conclusion, Rohee said that Trotman came under criticism for “flip-flopping” on Chinese logging giant Bai-Shan Lin.Rohee also had harsh words for former Junior Minister of Communities, with responsibility for housing Keith Scott. Referring to Scott as an “abysmal failure,” he laid the blame for the slowdown in the sector at the feet of Scott.“Scott has proven to be an abysmal failure at a once dynamic and progressive Ministry.” Rohee said. “The sector is now on its death bed. Whether Valerie Adams-Patterson will be capable of reviving the housing sector is left to be seen.”Simona Broomes, after more than seven months as Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, is now a Minister within the Minister of Natural Resources. She will have sweeping powers to oversee a clean-up of labour problems in the gold bush and logging operations.But her appointment did not come without some questions. Broomes has been involved in the mining business for some years now, holding a number of concessions.During a press conference after her appointment,Jerseys NFL China, with Minister Raphael Trotman at Cara Lodge, Quamina Street, Georgetown, Broomes when questioned about her links to Australian-owned mining company, Pharsalus Gold Inc, disclosed that indeed they have a long-standing agreement.The company is moving to develop large scale mining operations in Issano, Region Seven.The Minister said that she sees no conflict of interest situation as regards to her job, with the agreement with Pharsalus dating back for a number of years.She said that when the company is ready to mine, they will have the option of buying her out or offering a deal.Minister Trotman had also backed up his Minister, stating that there is no conflict of interest. He pointed out that there are other government officials and even ex-ministers who own vast properties and businesses.In the event that transactions regarding Pharsalus come up, Trotman had said that he will handle it, ensuring Broomes is insulated and “kept at arm’s length”.He also stated that Broomes would lend a wealth of knowledge to the natural resources sector,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, particularly mining.In addition to Broomes, Keith Scott moved to the Ministry of Social Protection, from the Ministry of Housing. Valerie Sharpe-Patterson took his place as Minister within the Ministry of Communities.In addition, the Ministry of Public Telecommunications was established,Wholesale Jerseys, with Tourism Minister Cathy Hughes being appointed as Minister.