標題: Rodrigo Caio Jersey GPHC
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-31 12:22  資料 私人訊息 
Rodrigo Caio Jersey GPHC
Two doctors, who were sent off the job following investigations into the maternal death of 28-year-old Luan Rodney at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) in June of last year,Andre Wisdom Jersey, are expected to soon resume their duties.This publication was reliably informed that although it was recommended by the investigating Committee that the doctors remain off the job until they would have completed specified training, instructions have since come from the Ministry of Health to have them return to normal practice.Dead: Luan RodneyReports are that the decision was in fact influenced by a Senior Medical Official who recommended to the Ministry that the two doctors be brought back on the job in spite of the Committee’s recommendations.Kaieteur News understands that the decision for the doctors’ return was made at a meeting attended by several senior Ministry of Health officials.The two doctors, along with two nurses, were sent off on administrative leave to probe the circumstances that led to the demise of Rodney, who was admitted a patient in the Maternity Unit of the hospital to deliver her second child. The woman’s delivery was reportedly overdue and therefore labour was induced with the use of Cytotec on the night of June 3, 2013.? There are reports that the woman was not closely monitored although this is an imperative recommendation when labour is induced. Rodney died in the wee hours of the following day.In commenting on the death, Minister of Health, Dr Bheri Ramsaran, had told this publication that although there are some controversies surrounding the use of Cytotec – ranging from uterine rupture to amniotic fluid embolism – the labour inducing medication is still very much approved by many health sectors globally, Guyana being no exception.According to him,Marcos Rojo Manchester Jersey, although the drug is a legitimate one it is imperative that patients, to whom it is administered, are closely monitored. “Cytotec is a good drug to induce labour…it is in protocol now and it is one that is being used more and more for such activities…but once you induce labour by whatever method, patients must be monitored,Olivier Giroud Arsenal Jersey,” the Minister asserted.The Expert Committee which investigated the maternal death had concluded that there was evidence of negligence and poor management on the part of both doctors and nurses who attended to the woman. Rodney, whose baby was stillborn, died as a result of a ruptured uterus, resulting in hypovolemic shock, according to investigations.The life-threatening condition, according to medical experts,Nolito Manchester City Jersey, is created when an individual loses more than 20 per cent of the body’s blood supply. This severe blood loss makes it impossible for the heart to pump sufficient blood throughout the body, thereby causing many organs to fail if immediate emergency medical attention is not engaged.Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Shamdeo Persaud, in an interview with this publication disclosed that it was recommended that the doctors be sent on academic probation, which means they must complete three months training for the deficiencies that were recognised in their performance.? The recommended probation commenced on June 24 and was set to culminate on September 24 last. They were also required to undergo training in Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support, which according to Dr Persaud, is useful in cases where patients suffer complications.And although both sets of culpable practitioners, nurses and doctors,David Silva Manchester City Jersey, could see their operations being censored, the CMO said that any disciplinary action was likely to take into consideration the fact that the two implicated doctors were not trained obstetricians.Although attempts were made,Andre Schurrle Dortmund Shirts, this publication was unable to contact both the Minister of Health and the CMO yesterday to ascertain whether the doctors had completed their requisite training or whether they are no longer subjected to the recommendations which resulted from the investigation.