標題: Giovani Dos Santos Mexico Jersey in his evidence
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-30 11:47  資料 私人訊息 
Giovani Dos Santos Mexico Jersey in his evidence
Seventy- three year old, Donald Mapp, called Chetty, was yesterday sentenced to 20 years in prison for the murder of his friend, Winsel Roger Edwards.Sentencedonald MappThe sentence was handed down by Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire at the High Court in Georgetown.The Judge had initially intended a sentence of 25 years in prison but deducted five years off the sentence; two for the time he spent in prison pending trial and three years because of his poor health.Mapp, of Tucville, Georgetown, mortally injured his friend in a brawl two years ago. He was convicted of the crime after a twelve-member mixed jury returned a guilty verdict for the crime,Nemanja Matic Jersey, last month.Mapp stabbed Winsel Roger Edwards, during a drunken brawl at Stretchy’s vulcanizing shop in Tucville on February 15, 2013. The incident is said to have stemmed from a ‘name calling’ incident.The two men were reportedly consuming alcohol when they began calling each other names. The teasing intensified and Mapp became highly annoyed. He left the shop but returned some time later with a knife.Thirty-three-year-old Edwards,Fabinho Brazil Jersey, called ‘Buck’ or ‘Roger’ of 320 Self Help Square, East Ruimveldt, was stabbed once in the vicinity of his heart. ?He was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival.The elderly man had maintained his innocence throughout the trial.? In his defence,Baba Rahman Jersey, Mapp told the court that he could not recall what went on between himself and the victim on the day of the incident.“Myself and Roger were friends. I had no reason for wanting to kill him,Fabian Delph Manchester City Jersey,” Mapp had told the court.However, in his evidence, Clairmont Greenidge, the proprietor of the vulcanizing shop recalled that ‘Chetty,Cameron Brannagan Liverpool Jersey,’ was a regular ‘limer’ at the shop. He said that the elderly man would often come to the shop to hang out and watch television.Greenidge said that on the day of the incident, the men were tantalizing each other, during which Edwards called Mapp an “old anti-man”. Mapp retorted by calling him (Edwards) a “faggot.”He recalled that Mapp left some time during the row, but he returned.Greenidge said that the elderly man attacked his younger opponent from behind. ?Both men were said to have toppled to the ground. Greenidge said that Edwards tried to get up, but he fell back and Mapp stabbed him.Yesterday a probation report which was requested by Mapp’s Attorney, Debra Kumar,Eric Bailly Manchester United Jersey, was read aloud to the court before the sentence was handed down. The Judge told Mapp that he will be eligible for parole but that will be after he serves seven years in jail.