標題: Julian Draxler Jersey that is
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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學分 45690
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-30 09:06  資料 私人訊息 
Julian Draxler Jersey that is
Samuel Alexander Wright, says he is the right man for the job!Samuel Alexander Wright is a born and bred Lindener, who throughout his adult life has sought to, through various ways, make Linden a better place.But all that he did from a non governmental position, he confessed.However that could soon change with the re-emergence of Local Government Elections which is expected within a couple of weeks – that is, provided Wright is elected Mayor.Wright is of course convinced,Julio Dominguez Mexico Jersey, that he is eminently qualified and has the requisite experience to be Linden’s next Mayor. He believes that he is the right man for the job.In an exclusive interview with this newspaper, Wright pointed out that the “closed loop” of people who make decisions for Linden, exclude a lot of talent and ideas that are vital to the growth and development of the Town.‘I don’t hear anyone articulating a vision or narrative that’s wide enough or has enough depth or inclusiveness, for this town- so based on that, I could be involved to move that process forward.Wright noted that Linden has to “move” very quickly to realize its true potential- not just for Lindeners, but for the whole of Guyana,David Luiz Jersey, because of the town’s strategic location and resources.He pointed out that he has been involved in several areas of development within Linden, outside of the Local Government circle.Wright has served as an Environmental Management Consultant to the RDC?of Region 10, Government Agencies, the IDB and USAID.As the local consultant for GWI he has been integrally involved in the Rehabilitation of the West Watooka Treatment Plant, the installation of new distribution Systems in Block 22,Miguel Ponce Mexico Jersey, Wisroc and Blueberry Hill and with the establishment of the Dakoura Creek Watershed Management Plan.His other projects include the Moblissa?Water Users Association, the Linden? River Front Development Programme, the Ameila Ward /Wisrock Bus Park and the hosting of Linden’s first River Front Festival last year. He had also aggressively pushed for the establishment of the Egbert Benjamin Exhibition Centre.Samuel Alexander Wright is the holder of a Master’s Degree in Geological Engineering from the University of Arizona, USA? and is also a graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines.He wears many hats – that of Engineer, Environmental Management ?Specialist and Project Manager.Not suprisingly, his primary Interests revolve around water, the Environment and the Community at large.He has had extensive experience over the years in these areas, in both the USA, and Guyana.In the US, he worked at Brown &Root Inc, Sullivan International, IT ?Corporation and the ?City of San Francisco Dept of Environment,Sergio Romero Manchester United Jersey, holding positions? such as Senior Project Manager, Office Manager and Programme Manager.He is the founder of the Linden Fund USA and served as its first Chairman,Oleksandr Zinchenko Manchester City Jersey, and is at present, the Trustee of the Linden Fund Trust.? His other initiatives include the Linden Community and Media Forums and his “baby”-Hyacinth’s Bed & Breakfast- a cozy nook guest house, which he named in honor of his mother.With his wide knowledge and experience Wright said that as Mayor he would establish a proper waste management plan, which would include recycling, composting and the development of a landfill.Among other things, Wright is very concerned about the high level of water pollution in Linden.Reflecting on the situation he quipped, “Water is the strongest force that is shaping lives, the society and our economy-without safe water all our lives would be at risk,Mikel Merino Dortmund Jersey, but yet most of our waterways are being polluted. We have to change that.As regards safe garbage disposal, Wright said that proper garbage receptacles have to be placed at strategic locations and citizens have to become more conscious of the environment and how it could impact their health.If elected, Wright sees his job as Mayor as challenging – “Almost everything has to be addressed, but all stakeholders have got to come together to build capacity”.