標題: Julio Dominguez Mexico Jersey a mason
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 20:02  資料 私人訊息 
Julio Dominguez Mexico Jersey a mason
Friday 13 (Black Friday) took on real meaning for a Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara family, followingHilbert Mayersthe discovery of the body of 47-year-old Hilbert Mayers, the victim of a suspected electrocution.Mayers was found lying motionless by his son around 07:00 hours, a few feet from the place he called home on Presidents’ College Road.A live wire which powered his home and which was illegally connected to the Guyana Power and Light line was lying next to his body, which was clad only in underpants.Investigators believe that Mayers, a mason,Gonzalo Castro Dortmund Jersey, met his demise some time Thursday night,David Ospina Jersey, judging from the state of his body when it was discovered.Relatives and neighbours are of the view that Mayers was going to take a bath when he came into contact with the live wire.However, there are also reports that Mayers had contemplated suicide a few days ago.According to persons who claimed to be eyewitnesses,Kevin Strootman Jersey, Mayers’s son who lives a few doors away, went to the dead man’s home early yesterday morning and was greeted by the sight of his father lying motionless on the ground.But as soon as the youth touched his father’s body, he too began feeling the shock of electricity through his body.It took a quick thinking villager who saw what was taking place to save him from serious injury or even death.“He had to lash away he hand,Cameron Borthwick-Jackson Jersey,” a villager told this newspaper.Seon Abrams, the dead man’s nephew, told this newspaper that he was on the road early yesterday when he received news that his uncle “get shock-up and dead.”When he arrived at his uncle’s house, a large crowd of villagers had already gathered there to get a glimpse of the body lying in the thick grass that surrounded the small wooden shack.Abrams confirmed that Mayers was obtaining electricity illegally,Michy Batshuayi Chelsea Jersey, adding that the illegal wire was already removed by the time he got to the scene.This newspaper observed a police rank removing a portion of wire that was part of the illegal connection.Officials from the GPL visited the scene and took photographs of pieces of wire that were attached to the shack.Meanwhile, a post mortem examination performed yesterday morning confirmed that 14-year-old Dexter Marshall was electrocuted.Marshall died last Sunday morning while riding on a merry go round at a fair in the village of Ann’s Grove, also on the East Coast of Demerara.The post mortem has confirmed the long held belief that relatives had,Javier Hernandez Jersey, despite the protestations of the operator of the fun ride.Kaieteur News understands that the operator was rearrested yesterday following the post mortem results.Sources have indicated that the operator could face manslaughter charges.