標題: Blank Netherlands Jersey and Chand
Rank: 4

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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 11:29  資料 私人訊息 
Blank Netherlands Jersey and Chand
An eyewitness to last Thursday’s foiled robbery at an East Coast Demerara gated community has placed one of four men in police custody at the scene of the attack.This was disclosed yesterday by a senior police official, who said that the man was picked out Saturday during an identification parade.?? Police also have an arrest warrant out for the same individual for unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition.? The suspect is among four individuals who were detained shortly after gunmen stormed the gated community at Felicity and inflicted a severe beating on Commissioner of Title Nicola Pierre and her husband, Mohamed Chand.The eyewitness did not identify the three other detained individuals, who were still in custody up to yesterday.? Pierre, 43, and Chand, 50, were attacked while they were asleep and gun-butted into unconsciousness after the men, numbering about four, gained entry to their home via a window.Mohamed ChandJudge: Nicola PierreThe robbers carted off a small safe containing US$7,000 and jewellery, and a suitcase containing other valuables. But they were forced to drop their loot after coming under gunfire from a security guard who was stationed at a businessman’s home nearby. Pierre and Chand are reportedly still hospitalized. Mr. Chand reportedly sustained more severe injuries.Kaieteur News has also confirmed that the fleeing gunmen had shot at Philip Lewis, who is one of the sons of former Commissioner of Police Laurie Lewis, after trying to take his vehicle.The incident occurred at the Bachelor’s Adventure Public road. The men had ordered the 42-year-old Lewis to hand over his vehicle, and shot at him after he drove away. A bullet grazed Mr. Lewis’s left shoulder.The drama began at around 01.20 hrs when a female special constable stationed at a hut on the north-western side of the gated community saw some men scaling a concrete wall that surrounds the small community. The men used duct-tape to gag and bind the unarmed special constable,Benoit Cheyrou Jersey, before heading directly to Pierre and Mr. Mohamed’s three-storey home.After smashing a window in the bottom flat, the men entered the building and headed for the middle flat where the couple and their 11-year-old son lay asleep. Pierre and Mohamed were awakened with blows to the head,Ryan Kent Jersey, and the Judge was reportedly beaten into unconsciousness.On regaining consciousness, Pierre reportedly ventured to the bottom flat, where she found her husband lying unconscious on the floor.But an armed security guard stationed in the same community spotted the bandits as they were heading towards a waiting car. The men also spotted the guard and opened fire in his direction.A fierce exchange of gunfire erupted between the gunmen and the guard, with the guard,Marcos Rojo Jersey, who was armed with a high-powered weapon, getting the better of the exchange. However, no one was injured.? Overwhelmed by the security man’s gunfire, the bandits dropped the safe and suitcase and escaped in their vehicle.Police were alerted and surrounded the area. Minutes later they pounced upon four suspicious-looking men near the Sparendaam Police Station. The security guard later handed over the stolen safe and briefcase that the bandits had dropped.In a statement issued on Friday,Oscar Jersey, the Guyana Bar Association expressed “shock and sadness at Tuesday’s brutal attack on Ms. Pierre and Mr. Chand. At the same time, the body appealed to Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan and Commissioner of Police Seelal Persaud to take further action to combat the surge in violent crime.“The members of the Guyana Bar Association are shocked and saddened at the brutal attack on Commissioner of Title, Madame Nicola Pierre and her husband Mr. Mohamed Chand yesterday,Joe Hart Jersey,” the Association stated in a release.“It is all the more shocking that the attack took place in their home on the East Coast of Demerara, while the judicial officer and her husband and son were asleep. The thoughts of the members of the legal profession are with Ms. Pierre and her family as we await the results of their treatment and pray for their full and speedy recovery.”Noting that judicial officers play an invaluable role in the administration of justice and the rule of law, the Association stated that every reasonable effort must be made to secure and protect them and their families.“While it is a measure of some relief that the alleged perpetrators have been captured and are in custody, the Association notes that too many serious crimes rem