標題: Justin Morrow Toronto Shirts Maureen Reece
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-27 02:52  資料 私人訊息 
Justin Morrow Toronto Shirts Maureen Reece
Several Linden residents early Thursday morning had the scare of their lives as heavy winds and rain uprooted trees and sent at least two crashing down on houses. Among the hardest hit were houses in Retrieve and Blue Berry Hill.At least two houses in Retrieve had parts of their roofs ripped off. One resident, Maureen Reece, said that God saved her from death, as she was sleeping in her bed, right under the spot where the tree crashed into the roof.“I was so scared, I woke up trembling, I couldn’t even sleep back. When I look at the spot where that tree crashed,NGolo Kante Chelsea Jersey, I could only say is God saved me, because if it de only come down,Pablo Zabaleta Jersey, I woulda been a dead woman,” Reece related emotionally.According to the woman she was asleep when she heard a thunderous crash. She said that when she jumped out of her bed,Antonio Rudiger Jersey, she noticed that leaves were ‘flying’ all over the house,Erik Durm Jersey, and her curtains billowing skyward.Reece said she never slept back, but got up early yesterday morning only to see the huge mango tree resting on her roof,Jack Dunn Liverpool Jersey, where it had fallen.Another woman on Blue Berry Hill, Viola Jarvis, was adamant that she must be compensated for the damage to her verandah, which resulted from the impact of an awara tree crashing down on it during the storm.Jarvis said that the tree which was located in a neighbour’s yard became uprooted and fell on her verandah.The woman said that this is not the first time that a tree from the said neighbour’s yard has caused damage to her property.The first time,Nick Hagglund Jersey, another awara tree had crashed down on her fence and damaged it.Jarvis said that she never received any satisfaction from the neighbour, neither did she receive any assistance to repair her fence.The woman said that she had admonished the neighbour about the tree, and the potential threat, but all her admonitions fell on deaf ears.“Right now this entire verandah wall got to be repaired, and I need some kind of assistance to do it, because this is a new structure that I building here to replace the old one, and now look at it, look at the damage; this is not fair to me”, Jarvis lamented.