標題: Wholesale Jerseys and Devika Bisnauth
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Wholesale Jerseys and Devika Bisnauth
Missing fishermen…– Families say tension unbearableSuriname authorities have cleared the way for Guyana search parties to enter their jurisdiction with the aim of continuing and intensifying search efforts for the five missing Berbice fishermen.Eighteen days have passed since the five men, all of Corentyne, Berbice, ventured out to sea and never returned, leaving their families and friends to wonder of their whereabouts.The men identified as Khemraj Dhanpat called ‘Manohar’ or ‘Rajin’ (boat captain), his brother Narine Dhanpat called ‘Shrimp’, Ouditnarine Ramnarine, all of Number 64 village, Clifford Singh of Number 62 village and Suresh Martin, left for sea on August 6, last, on a fishing trip which was scheduled to last for 10 days.(From left to Right) Narine Dhanpat’s sister-in-law, his wife and two daughters await information about the young fisherman.Up to press time,Wholesale Jerseys, contact had not been made by any of the men with their families or friends, and law enforcement officers have stepped up their actions to assist in locating the men.Kaieteur News visited relatives of the missing men who were all gathered yesterday at Gajadar Bisnauth (boat owner)’s residence located at Middle Walk, Number 64 Village, Corentyne, Berbice.Nanda Mukesh and Devika Bisnauth, sisters of Khemraj and Narine Dhanpat told this newspaper that this is a very difficult time for their entire family, especially their mother, who could hardly come to grips with her sons’ disappearance.“It is very hard, very rough and we have all hope waiting for their return. Our mother is sick with high blood pressure,Cheap Jerseys From China, we hope and pray God bring them back,” said Mukesh.His other sister stated that the situation was becoming unbearable for everyone and said that her family was willing to offer a reward for information leading to her brothers’ whereabouts.“We willing to offer a reward as long as we can get back we brother dem,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” were the words of Devika Bisnauth.Narine Dhanpat’s wife explained that though hijacking occurs on a regular basis in the waters between Guyana and Suriname, she never imagined that her husband would meet such a fate.“I feeling very bad… I’m anxiously awaiting my husband’s return. We have two children and they are missing their father a lot, it is 18 days now he gone and we don’t know anything. I never expect this to happen”.Khemraj Dhanpat’s grieving wife flanked by his four childrenMeanwhile her sister-in-law “Anjo” who is Khemraj Narine’s wife,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, broke down as she reflected on her life with her husband.“It is eight years we living with each other. Me and him got one child together, but he was married before and has other children… but we live like family. It is very hard to deal with this. We just want them all to come home,” said the woman despairingly.The sisters of Clifford Singh lamented that their brother was missing and they could not obtain any news concerning what took place.“It is really sad and very bad for us. We have two other brothers and all of us are grieving. Clifford wife too sick to come out, she so sick that she and their baby daughter in bed right now. It is a very sad story,” Neela and Natalie Singh told Kaieteur News.While the sisters and wives of the missing fishermen were mourning and had to be comforted, the mother of Suresh Martin was at a loss for words. When she finally mustered up the strength to speak she said, “I feel very bad about this. This is my first child and I glad if I could get him back. He got two kids, one is 12 and the next is three years and imagine dem had to lose dem father. I hope he deh safe”.For Mahesh Ramnarine, losing his brother Ouditnarine has not been an easy thing to deal with, especially for his mother who is currently abroad.Nanda Mukesh (left) and Devika Bisnauth (hammock) as they look for signs of the Coast Guard to begin co-coordinating search teams.“My mother overseas and right now she packing to come home. This is the first time my brother ever went in something like this and I hope we find him.”Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud along with members of the Police Force and Coast Guard also visited the families of the men yesterday to provide an update on search and rescue efforts.While the gathering of family, friends and neighbours welcomed the visit, a majority of persons were skeptical about the entire situation, as some voiced their opinions that they did not believe the Surinamese Government was “doing enough” in their search efforts.The Agriculture Minister explained that both Governments were doing as much as they could as it relates to search and rescue efforts and though persons expect to see Surinamese patrols in Guyanese territory this would not be likely.“The Surina