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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-21 20:51  資料 私人訊息 
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Government yesterday lashed out at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR),Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, claiming that the statement issued was “biased, misconceived and premature”.The (IACHR) in a statement last week had condemned the killing of three persons at a protest in Linden.Head of the Presidential Secretariat,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Dr. Roger Luncheon,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, said that the release was very biased in its content, “misconceived” in its purpose and “premature” in its conclusion.Dr. Roger LuncheonAccording to Luncheon, the commission in its release, has already determined that live rounds were fired by police officers whereas this is an allegation for which evidence is yet to be evaluated.Luncheon said that it is an assumption which remains to be factually established. It comes as no surprise that the commission which is known to demonstrate partiality in certain instances failed to consult with government about the regrettable series of events on July 18,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, 2012 in Linden,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, the spokesman said.The government of Guyana respects the rights of its citizens, including the right to march and demonstrate peacefully,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, he insisted.Luncheon made it clear that the government sincerely regrets that persons were killed and has ordered an inquiry into the incident. The press release did not help in any way and adds to an already volatile situation in Region 10. Government has committed to working with local and overseas stakeholders.In a statement issued Friday, the IACHR called on Guyana to use force in strict conformity with its international obligations and the applicable international principles.The body also called for government to urgently adopt all necessary measures for the due protection of the protesters within the framework of respect of inter-American human rights standards.The IACHR is a principal and autonomous organ of the Organization of American States (“OAS”) whose mission is to promote and protect human rights in the American hemisphere.