標題: Matteo Darmian Jersey West Ruimveldt
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-14 01:13  資料 私人訊息 
Matteo Darmian Jersey West Ruimveldt
Charylyn Stephens of Lot 172 Laing Avenue,Sergio Aguero Jersey, West Ruimveldt,Wayne Gallman Youth Jersey, is reportedly missing since TuesdayCharylyn StephensDecember 13,Shkodran Mustafi Germany Jersey, last. The father of the 15-year-old,Sidney Jones Jersey, Alfred Stephens, told this publication that his daughter returned home from school on Tuesday last, around 16:30hrs. The father said that he and his wife, Charyl Howell, left for work around the same time.One of his 18 children, Coretta, called them that same night and reportedly told them that Stephens and a boy went on a bicycle to go into East Ruimveldt. The 15-year-old has not returned home.It was also reported that she called her mother that Tuesday night, and reportedly told her that she was at a friend and that she will be sleeping over since it was raining and she couldn’t get home.Stephens has not been seen or heard from since. She was last seen with a flowered leggings and a blue jacket.Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Charylyn Stephens,Delano Hill Jersey, is kindly asked to contact the nearest police station of her parents on: +592 653 0417, +592 671 9094,Nathan Peterman Bills Jersey, +592 658 2901 and +592 231 0926.