標題: Marco Reus Dortmund Jersey which exists here
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Marco Reus Dortmund Jersey which exists here
With 220 passengers on board, the National Geographic Explorer cruise ship, yesterday anchored in the Essequibo River at Lau Lau, in proximity to the Baganara Resort.A section of the explorers being addressed by one of the tour guides in the Ship’s lounge.As part of the ‘Epic South America’ expedition,Cuauhtemoc Blanco Jersey, the vessel will be sailing on local waters for two days, to explore Guyana’s coastline and some of the Islands. The expedition has an itinerary of 38 days, with 15 destinations to be covered.In speaking with the local media, Captain Oliver Kruess said that this is a first official visit to Guyana, noting that there were three prior expeditions to neighbouring countries,Tedric Thompson Youth Jersey, the last being more than 18 years ago.“Traditionally, we would just sail by. When visiting French Guiana, Devil’s Island, they (the visitors) always looked along your coast,Carlos Salcedo Jersey, into your river and it was always “gosh, someday we would like to come and explore”, and this year, it becomes a fact,” Kruess said.He added that in recognizing Guyana’s infrastructural developments, the trip was planned.“We contacted partners and said well, look, we have that idea, we would like to bring a ship into the Essequibo River, and we would like to offer activities off the ship…The vessel, National Geographic ExplorerCan you offer some quotations to get us to the beautiful sites that are in range of the river? And the partners we found said yes, no problem, come,” Kruess said.He expressed that there is much excitement about visiting Guyana, since despite the fact that it is a prime destination for small expedition ships, not many have had the opportunity to come here.“Definitely you can expect that we will be back…It is an international group, but the vast majority is from the United States,” Kruess noted.The captain also revealed plans to have groups in smaller boats journey the coastline, so as to explore nocturnal creatures.“Our goal is to give our guests popular scientific interaction into Guyana. They will be exploring here, the Essequibo River this (yesterday) afternoon, using our own boats,Pat Elflein Vikings Jersey,” he explained.Kaieteur News also caught up with Tyrone Turner, a contributing photographer to the National Geographic Network.He pointed out that while there are no immediate plans to prepare a documentary on Guyana, the tour will feature lots of video and still images.An optimistic Turner added that they are hoping to discover exciting things aboutMinister Ali and Captain Kruess exchange tokens of appreciation.Guyana, and that he would love to return to the ‘land of many waters’, to provide coverage.At present, the photographer said that of the two days the group will be spending in Guyana, he is especially looking forward to exploring the pristine forest, the wildlife, and the Kaieteur Falls, while enjoying the local cuisine.Turner explained that he lived in Brazil for two years, and that certain things about Guyana, like the shrimp trawlers, remind him of home.He said that this is the first time he is on the ship as a team member, and that it is surprisingly comfortable, especially with the very interesting people on board.“We’re giving presentations, and talking about things,Jonnu Smith Youth Jersey,” Turner added.It was also explained that Guyana’s culture and music will also be looked at and discussed among the explorers.The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), along with the Tourism Minister (ag) Irfaan Ali,Deshaun Watson Texans Jersey, took representatives from the various media houses on a tour of the ship.While on board, Minister Ali and Captain Kruess exchanged tokens of appreciation in the form of plaques, after which Ali made some brief remarks.He wished the passengers an enjoyable stay.“I hope that your stay here, though short, would be one that is enjoyable, one that is fruitful, and one that is indeed amazing enough to ensure that you recognize the very fact that you are in one of the 50 destinations of a lifetime, here in Guyana,” he said.The Minister joked that he hopes that Kruess and his explorers would be the ones to find the ‘Golden City of Eldorado.’And should they not be so lucky, Ali said that there is something more beautiful to discover- “the natural beauty, which exists here, is beyond any wall of gold.”Minister Ali also informed the tourists that “we are developing our country based on the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS