標題: Tre Davious White Bills Jersey Eccles
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-9 09:05  資料 私人訊息 
Tre Davious White Bills Jersey Eccles
…six others pendingJust over two years after the three New Building Society managers were charged for conspiracy to defraud, one of the charges was yesterday thrown out of the court by Magistrate Nyasha Hatmin-Williams.When the men, Maurice Arjoon,Clement Simonin Jersey, Kissoon Baldeo, Kent Vincent and three others appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ court yesterday,Jake Elliott Jersey, their lawyers,Wholesale Jerseys Outlet, Anil Nandlall, Basil Williams and Abiola Wong, all made no case submissions.Last week, when the case was called before Magistrate Hatmin-Williams, the Prosecution indicated that they had some difficulties in locating the Virtual Complaint for the particular charge.The men were slapped with seven counts of conspiracy to defraud.On that occasion, the Prosecution further indicated that should they not be able to locate the VC then they will be forced to close their case.When the case was called yesterday, the Prosecution requested another adjournment.However, Anil Nandlall objected and reminded the court of the previous submission by the prosecution.His objection was upheld and the Prosecution was ordered to close its case.Nandlall made a no-case submission, as did Williams and Wong.In his submissions,Sergio Aguero Jersey, Nandlall stated that there was no evidence to establish the conspiracy to defraud charge noting that there was also no evidence to connect Arjoon in any way to the charge.The Magistrate upheld the no case submission and discharged the accused.In relation to other charges, Nandlall submitted that these charges have destroyed the lives of his clients and he stated a desire to expedite the matter.He said that the evidence that the Prosecution will lead will suffer the same difficulties and will be of similar quality.According to the lawyer, the evidence for those charges will suffer the same fate.The case was adjourned for August 28.In 2007, Arjoon of Lot 1-2 La Fleur Road, Eccles; the former Assistant Mortgage Manager, Kissoon Baldeo, of Lot 86 Zeeburg, West Coast Demerara; and Operations Manager Kent Vincent of 1247 Canje Pheasant Lane, South Ruimveldt, were slapped with seven charges of conspiracy to defraud NBS customers.The charges alleged that on November 1, 2006, Arjoon and Vincent conspired with each other and other persons to effect a withdrawal of $15M from an account belonging to Bibi Khan.The particulars of the case stated that two cheques were drawn from the account – one for $10,225,Kevin Wimmer Jersey UK,000 in the name of M. Kryshundayal and one for $4,Sam Johnstone Jersey,775,000 in the name of Compton Chase.According to the Prosecution, on November 17, 2006, Baldeo and Vincent allegedly conspired together and with others to withdraw $22.6 M from the same account belonging to Khan.One cheque was written for $20.5M in the name of M. Hussain and the other for $2,164,000 in the name of Compton Chase.It is also alleged that on November 20, 2006, Baldeo and Vincent allegedly conspired with others and withdrew $20.5M from the same account in the name of Khan in two cheques.Also on December 8, 2006, it is alleged that Arjoon and Vincent allegedly conspired with each other to effect a withdrawal of $32,230,384 from the same account belonging to Khan.When the men were charged they secured bail at the sum of $2M.Following the charges, the mangers were sent on administrative leave and later fired.