標題: Jeffrey Bruma Jersey 750
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-7 20:56  資料 私人訊息 
Jeffrey Bruma Jersey 750
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Basil Williams faced intense scrutiny yesterday as ParliamentAttorney GeneralBasil Williamsconvened in the Committee of Supply to examine the current and capital revenue and expenditure for various agencies.During the session, Williams faced a series of questions, specifically from former Attorney General Anil Nandlall, regarding estimates made for various departments of the Legal Affairs Ministry.The Attorney General (AG) was bombarded with questions about a figure of $16 million, which was allocated to purchase a new vehicle. Williams told the House that the sum was included in the 2015 budgetary allocations, but the Government had only acquired a reconditioned vehicle at half that amount. This purchase, Williams said,Larry Doby Indians Jersey, was made before he took office.The AG told the House that inherited estimates will be investigated by the Auditor General and the Public Accounts Committee. He noted that only half the figure was expended to purchase the reconditioned vehicle, hence efforts are being made to recover it. However Nandlall refuted the Minister’s statements. He instead called for a criminal investigation to be launched in the matter. Opposition Members of Parliament, Juan Edghill and Irfaan Ali also raised their concerns over the estimated sum.?? Both MPs noted that the since half the money was expended, this should be evident in the current estimate.“The entire $16.5 million should not be represented here,” Edghill stated.Williams was also questioned about an estimate of 1.2 billion presented as part of the budgetary allocations for the Legal Affairs Ministry.He explained that a portion of the sum represented monies which are to be paid to the Surinamese company Rudisa Beverages, that was awarded US$6M from the Guyana Government following a ruling by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).Williams noted that Nandlall should be familiar with the case, since the current administration inherited the debt from the former Government.Former Attorney General Anil NandlallThe AG told the National Assembly that the figure also represents monies which will be allocated for training in the CARIBLAW and other sensitisation programmes. As Nandlall noted areas, for which the clarity was needed on the matters of Government spending in matters of Legal Affairs, the Attorney General revealed that plans are afoot for renovation of the current Legal Affairs Ministry.He said too that plans are in the pipeline for two plots of land to be purchased in the vicinity of Carmichael Street to expand the capacity of the work of the Ministry. The sum of $40,Evan Engram Youth Jersey,750,000 has been allocated for this project. But Nandlall noted that amount appeared unrealistic. He stressed that $40 million could not possibility be expended on plots of land in the city.The Attorney General then explained that the two plots would cost approximately $20 million each and the balance of the monies would be used to fix the roof of the Legal Affairs Ministry. Williams disclosed that the estimate represented is far less than the $550 million which the previous Government spent to purchase the building which currently houses the Land Court Registry.Even as he faced questions over the selected line items, the Attorney General outlined a number of projects towards strengthening the criminal justice system, for which estimates were made for the 2016 budgetary allocation. He told the House the estimates represented the efforts towards the revision of laws; setting up of the law reform commission, procurement of equipment for advancement in the judiciary, and training of judicial officers in particular aspects of the work, such as the manner in which sentences are imposed.The APNU+AFC Member of Parliament disclosed that the entire budgetary allocation estimate of $1.6 billion for the Legal Affairs Ministry caters for consultations on the cybercrime legislation,D Onta Foreman Texans Jersey, the possible appointment of part-time judges and other efforts to tackle the judicial backlog.According to the AG, also included in the 2016 budgetary allocation are provisions for the implementation of verbatim voice recording systems and other upgrades within the courts. This is set to ease the judicial work load and speed up the trial.Nandlall questioned whether provisions are made to train the staff to manage the technological advantages, since that the system is already in place. Williams did not address Nandlall’s statement but noted that there are some challenges with deploying the technology to speed up the cases.The Legal Affairs Minister noted that a proposal was made to rent a building