標題: Andres Guardado Jersey in government
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-7 18:55  資料 私人訊息 
Andres Guardado Jersey in government
By Lance HindsThere were a series of events that generated some interest and also intense social media discourse this past week.It started off nicely enough with a number of local ICT practitioners and educators celebrating Software Freedom Day by hosting a working session with a series of presentations on the work being done using free open source software (FOSS).The presentations were quite simply, a joy to watch. There is clearly extensive work being done in national mapping using open source Geographic Information System (GIS)-related tools.Individuals also provided an overview of how they provide professional services, others highlighted their research in using FOSS for educational purposes.The staff from local government agencies highlighted the tremendous amount of work done on mapping locations for effective monitoring of the extractive industry, our natural resources and also land application processing and occupancy.It is always amazing to see what people are doing in their various corners, in terms of using alternative resources to develop and provide solutions. To date, however,Andy Pettitte Astros Jersey, this work remains just that…done in these various pockets with very little attempt to publicize and champion what is being created. One of the speakers made the point that FOSS will gain very limited traction if work continues to be done in these silos, without any effort to highlight what is possible using the open source model.Later in the week it was announced that the Government of Guyana engaged in discussions with Microsoft and Cisco with a view to providing a range of enterprise level services to support some of the operations within the public sector workspace.This too would have been noted, primarily by the local information technology community, but generally did not cause any waves.This,Rasul Douglas Youth Jersey, however, changed by midweek, and brought the matter of the open source versus proprietary solutions into full focus.During the hearings of the Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service, a ministry official said during his testimony that his ministry was forced to use unlicensed software in order for the ministry to function with some level of effectiveness.He said specifically that the technicians had to “hack and steal software via the Internet to keep systems going”. He also lamented the fact that funds were not released to purchase software and new computer equipment, and that the IT staff had to cobble together unlicensed software and parts to get systems to work. Absolutely marvelous.My initial feeling on this,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, without any deep thinking, was the usual disappointment about a ministry not seeing ICT as a priority, with this being the end result.This issue, however,Ron Vlaar Netherland Jersey, triggered a high level of discussion among members of the open source community.The question arose as to why there was no consideration of using open source as opposed to using unlicensed software, and then further, why aren’t the policymakers actively considering the use of open source software in view of the potential cost of proprietary solutions.Reference was made to the fact that the Italian Ministry of Defence is transitioning to open source software for productivity and the Indian Government is mandating that open source must be considered as part of any solutions that are required by its various agencies. Here, therefore, is a measured perspective on all this.First of all, in government, there is a clear distinction between the allocation and release of funds. In the interest of establishing best practices, it might be useful for the Commission of Inquiry to seek clarification on exactly where and when this problem started. I know some colleagues who,Ilkay Gundogan Jersey, like myself, have been around the local IT scene for quite a few moons, and would therefore be quite aware of the millions spent on procuring sophisticated Human Resource Management Systems for the Public Service Ministry in years past. This, I imagine, cannot be a happy moment. It is hoped that through the efforts of the e-Government Unit this state of affairs is quickly addressed and must never happen again.I suspect that the IT technicians at the Ministry had little or no knowledge of open source solutions that were available to resolve their issues. This goes back to my point about making sure the message about FOSS is shared widely.The local open source practitioners will have to become podium-thumping evangelists for the