標題: Blank Arsenal Jersey and Brian N.Dem have Bab Bee
Rank: 4

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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-7 16:57  資料 私人訊息 
Blank Arsenal Jersey and Brian N.Dem have Bab Bee
De blue line telephone people join wid Shaik Ministry fuh hold a spelling bee competition. Dem get all dem pickney involve and right away de preparation start. But one li’l boy seh that nobody could lose.Is only a few Bee dem have in this country and everybody know fuh spell dem name. Dem have Bar-Rat,Nathan Baxter Jersey, all dem Brian. Dem have Brian T and de T don’t stand fuh thief; Brian Y,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Brian O,Dawuane Smoot Jersey, Brian J,Myles Garrett Youth Jersey, de J fuh Joke; and Brian N.Dem have Bab Bee,Carlos Rodon White Sox Jersey, who get de complex as a Christmas gift; Bert which is de short fuh Rob-Bert. Dem boys seh that dem have two Rob-Bert. One is Rob-Bert See but he totally blind and de other is Rob-Bert Pee and he does do that steady all over the place.Dem have Brazzy de F fuh de Fat One; dem have Buyer who buy out nearly half of Guyana; and of course dem have Hammer Bee.Dem have plenty more Bee. Dem have de Corriverton Bee. That one stand for $69 million NIS Building. That one dem boys gun never forget.Bee for Bribe and that is something that dem boys don’t fall for.Is one Bee that dem vex wid and he is Bullen. He expose dem when he was ambassador in this country and dem Bees still vex. Dem boys waiting fuh see wha more Bullen had to say.De least important of de Bees is dem Bitch who wukking at de Chronicle and de Hard Times paper. A few deh in Ohh Pee.Talk half. Lef half.