標題: Colorado Rockies Jerseys called ‘Tish’
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-7 11:20  資料 私人訊息 
Colorado Rockies Jerseys called ‘Tish’
Police and fishermen in the Mahaicony River came up empty-handed in their search for the body ofColin Sealeyescaped prisoner Colin Sealey,Anthony Gose Tigers Jersey, twenty four hours after he plunged to his death.Police sources in the area told this newspaper that they combed several sections of the river bank as well as with relatives and friends and there was no sign that Sealey, 53,Zay Jones Womens Jersey, made it to shore.They are now convinced that he suffered a similar fate to that of Godwin Maxwell whose body was recovered at the mouth of the river two days after he too jumped in to escape from the police almost three years ago.Sealey was arrested by the police about 16:30 hours on Tuesday during investigations into allegations of threatening behaviour, assault and indecent exposure.Police in a statement said that a police rank went to the lock-ups to take out Colin Sealey,Cuauhtemoc Blanco Mexico Jersey, a fisherman of Zeskenderen,Luuk de Jong Jersey, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, to escort him to the Cove and John Magistrate’s Court.During this process, Sealey overpowered the policeman just as he was about to be handcuffed and escaped out of the station. He then ran and jumped into the river.Eyewitnesses recalled seeing Sealey, called ‘Tish’, swimming north in the Mahaicony River.From all appearances he became tired and held on to one of the ropes that was holding back a fishing boat moored in the river. But the current of the river was so strong that Sealey was having difficulty keeping himself from drifting further out into the river.One eyewitness said that Sealey then tried to swim to the eastern bank of the river but turned back when he saw that the police were waiting there for him. It was at this time that he apparently encountered more difficulty and went under.Sealey’s reputed wife of five years, Allison Leitch,Oakland Raiders Jerseys, is leaving his fate up to God.“I cannot say what happened to him. I putting my trust in God. I don’t know if he gone down or if he make it,NFL Jerseys Sale,” Leitch said, adding that she is hoping that he faked drowning just to avoid capture.