標題: Vincent Kompany Jersey the 7.62×
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-3 03:02  資料 私人訊息 
Vincent Kompany Jersey the 7.62×
Police have confirmed that one of the weapons used in Monday night’s execution-style killing in Stone Avenue,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, Campbellville was also used in the Charlestown slaying of Mark ‘Lil Mark’ Caesar last weekend.Crime Chief,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Seelall Persaud,Throwback Jerseys, yesterday told this newspaper that the .45 spent shells recovered at Monday night’s scene matched those found at the scene of the Charlestown killing.Police ranks checking spent shells that were recovered at the scene of the Stone Avenue execution style killings.However those were the only matches made.According to Persaud,Soccer Jerseys From China, the 7.62×39 spent shells recovered at the scenes of the last three execution-style killings do not correspond.A month ago five persons, including a three-year-old boy and his mother were killed after the car in which they were travelling was riddled with bullets at Cummings Lodge, Lower East Coast Demerara.The police had recovered several 7.62×39-spent shells, which they said did not match any other collected from crime scenes at that time.Police Commissioner Henry Greene had told a media conference that the Cummings Lodge killings may have been linked to a drug deal that went sour.Caesar and one of the persons killed in the Cummings Lodge shooting as well as one of the victims of last Monday’s execution were reportedly close associates.Yesterday Crime Chief Seelall Persaud disclosed that based on the circumstances surrounding the separate executions, there is a connection.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he declined to say in what way the killings were connected.Police have since warned gangs,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, groups and individuals that they would be met with the full force of the law as patrols have since been intensified.