標題: Custom Arsenal Jersey to study hard
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Custom Arsenal Jersey to study hard
Concord Academy of New Market Street held its annual graduation exercise at the Cara Lodge on Quamina Street,Evan Engram Jersey, last week. The occasion was one in which this “rite of passage” tradition was entirely managed by the students themselves.The unmitigated excellence displayed at this event was led by Kimberly Nestor, who chaired the entire proceedings. Kimberly, a former student,Cheap Jerseys Online, now attends Queen’s College.Concord Academy is now in its sixth year and boasts an impressive CXC pass rate of 88 per cent.A section of the graduating classYana Edwards, who topped the Caribbean at CXC,Cheap Jerseys From China, was a graduate of Concord Academy’s first class.This year’s keynote speaker, who gave the charge to the graduates,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, was no other than Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards,Bobby Orr Jersey, Yana’s mother.She urged the graduates through quotes, motherly advice and anecdotes,Cheap Jerseys China, to study hard, play hard and to reach for the skies as nothing is impossible.Concord Academy’s motto is “God’s grace and discipline”. Founder and Head Mistress Mrs. Cromwell was there to savour the moment.The main event was the receipt of certificates and book gifts by the two graduating classes.This year, the top graduating student was Ryan Reynolds who had the honour of giving the appreciation at the end of the graduation ceremony.