標題: John Terry Jersey during the fight
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-31 02:56  資料 私人訊息 
John Terry Jersey during the fight
A 17-year-old schoolboy is in a critical condition at the Georgetown Hospital following a brutal beating at the hands of some other youths last Thursday.Leon Benjamin of Hope Secondary School is presently a patient in the Hospital’s High Dependency Unit, suffering from severe head injuries and the risk of being paralysed in his entire left side.The fifth form student was reportedly involved in a fight with some other teenagers over two girls from his school when he sustained the injuries.Information reaching this newspaper stated that, during the fight,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the teen ended up in a trench.According to an eyewitness,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, while in the trench,Andy Pettitte Jersey, Benjamin was hit twice in his head with a piece of wood.The first hit caused him to submerge but the teen manage to rise up.? Yet,Cheap Jerseys China, he was hit another time and this time he went down and did not resurface.All this time, persons stood by watching the teen being remorselessly beaten.It was not until someone shouted,Wholesale Jerseys, “Look the boy drowning!” that somebody jumped into the trench and rescued him.Benjamin was then rushed to the hospital where he was immediately admitted. According to hospital sources,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, the teen’s head is connected to a tube that is draining fluid from his brain.Acting upon information, police have since arrested one suspect who admitted to being involved in the fight with the injured teenager.? The other perpetrators are still at large.