標題: Jan-Pascal Reckert Jersey
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-29 15:58  資料 私人訊息 
Jan-Pascal Reckert Jersey
– cops seek link to other carjackings After killing taxi driver Raphael Campbell, six youths reportedly went on a long joyride in the city and out-of-town with their victim’s car.This is what police have reportedly gleaned from five of the youths, who have been detained since Friday in connection withCampbell’s murder.Dead: Raphael Campbell“They went to Timehri and Linden (in the car),” a source said yesterday. “They did not bother to change the number plates.”The joyride came to an end on Friday when the youths,Angus Gunn Jersey, driving the stolen black Toyota Premio, were stopped at a police roadblock on Soesdyke/Linden highway while heading back to Georgetown.The driver managed to escape after crashing the vehicle, but the five passengers, aged between 14 and 17, were captured.At the time, police were unaware that the car was linked to Campbell’s murder,Joe Allen Jersey, since he was still unidentified at the time.Yesterday,Lucas Leiva Jersey, the High Court granted police permission to keep the suspects in custody for another 72 hours. Meanwhile, investigators will be seeking legal advice with a view of having them charged.Investigators are checking fingerprints taken from other recent carjackings to see if they match those of the detained youths.Police say that the suspects are from two neighbouring communities with a high incidence of crime.The teens have reportedly told detectives that they stopped Campbell on Thursday night in Camp Street and hired him to go to Bel Air Gardens. They alleged that on arrival at their destination, an argument ensued between them and Campbell over the fare and Campbell was fatally stabbed. According to a source, the teens are all claiming that an associate, who is still at large, inflicted the wound.They have also denied shooting Campbell, although a post mortem confirmed that he died from a gunshot injury,Hector Moreno Jersey, rather than from the stab wound.The 20-year-old Beterverwagting,Rafael Marquez Mexico Jersey, East Coast Demerara taxi driver was shot behind the left ear, with the bullet exiting his right jaw.Rochelle Campbell, the slain man’s sister, told Kaieteur News that she last saw her brother alive on January 1, 2014. The woman said that her brother had dropped her home around 23:00hrs that day.? According to the sister, relatives became worried when numerous calls to the man’s mobile phone went unanswered.After learning that a body had been found at Liliendaal,Custom Barcelona Jersey, East Coast Demerara, the sister went to the GPHC mortuary on Monday and positively identified the victim as her brother.