標題: Kyle Lowry College Jersey Melissa Robertson
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-13 02:12  資料 私人訊息 
Kyle Lowry College Jersey Melissa Robertson
A disagreement between two former lovers ended with one party reimbursing the companion of the other to the tune of $120,000 for a damaged laptop.Seriah Clarke,Corey Kluber Indians Jersey, also known as “John Wayne,Calum Chambers Arsenal Jersey,” 26, of 27 South Ruimveldt Park yesterday made this payment before Acting Chief Magistrate,Carlos Sanchez Jersey, Melissa Robertson, after he was charged with malicious damage to property and unlawful assault.The accused,Javier Mascherano Jersey, on February 12, last, at Sheriff Street damaged Kelvin Bailey’s Dell laptop computer valued at $120,Walace Brazil Jersey,000.A second charge stated that the accused on the same day unlawfully assaulted Keneisha Duke, his former girlfriend.According to Police Prosecutor Denise Griffith,Facundo Roncaglia Argentina Jersey, on the day in question Clarke saw Clarke and Duke on Sheriff Street, Duke was holding the bag which contained the laptop. The defendant then took the bag and allegedly threw it on the ground, damaging the laptop.Duke told the court “Clarke threw me on the floor and proceeded to assault me”.The young lady said that “he only did this because I refused to continue a relationship which I ended with him your worship”.The defendant opted to repay for the damaged computer but pleaded not guilty to assaulting Duke.He also pleaded with the magistrate to warn the virtual complainant not to contact him in any way.He proceeded to tell explain to the magistrate that Duke would continue to call him and threaten him because she knows that he has a pending matter before the courts.He further explained that on the day in question he saw neither Duke nor Bailey and is totally unaware as to why he is been charged.The defendant noted that on February 12, Duke sent him various text messages and the defendant even provided the magistrate with what appeared to be proof by showing her his cell phone with the messages.The young man admitted that the two had had a relationship but that he sought to end it because Duke was being unfaithful.Clarke was granted bail in the sum of $7000 for the assault matter and is expected to make his next court appearance April 16.