標題: Sidney Jones Womens Jersey 47
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-8-9 14:19  資料 私人訊息 
Sidney Jones Womens Jersey 47
…with wound on neckThe police are conducting investigations into the circumstances surrounding the death of Cuban National Joel Perez Laffita,Pedro Martinez Red Sox Jersey, 47,Dalvin Tomlinson Jersey, whose body was found on the roadway at Providence on the East Bank of Demerara with a wound to the neck.Police sources say that the mysterious discovery of Laffita’s body was made around 01:30 hours yesterday.Kaieteur News understands that the Cuban is an Engineer who arrived in Guyana yesterday on a vessel that is moored at a wharf at Providence.Investigators are puzzled since they have ruled out robbery. They say that cash and other belongings were recovered from Laffita’s body.Divisional Commander Clifton Hicken told this newspaper that his detectives are working feverishly to solve the case. He said that they were trying to access footage from surveillance cameras that might be in the area.Hicken said that detectives are questioning persons on the vessel that Laffita reportedly arrived on.According to a source,Bill Walton UCLA Jersey, it is assumed that Laffita was coming from a nearby hotel when he was attacked.“It look like he run a good distance before he collapsed,Montravius Adams Packers Jersey,” a source told this newspaper.Kaieteur News understands that a woman has told detectives that she saw a man on a bicycle stopped not far from where the Cuban’s body was found. The man threw the bicycle to the ground and minutes later there was a loud explosion that sounded like a gunshot. Seconds after the man was seen riding away.The source said that a motorcyclist,Jack Wilshere Jersey, who saw Laffita’s motionless body,Dede Westbrook Womens Jersey, rode to the Providence Police Station and informed the police.