標題: Gerardo Flores Jersey is4fyvxw
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-30 15:58  資料 私人訊息 
Gerardo Flores Jersey is4fyvxw
When dem boys seh that dem got people waiting wid nuff pumpkin jumpsuit fuh some of dem scamps dem know wha dem saying. All over de world all de scamps finding out that jail waiting.Jagdeo been to Sri Lanka wheh de President do nuff of de same things that he and he kavakamites do in Guyana. De former Sri Lanka president and he colleagues tek Chinee people money; dem put dem friends and family in top government position,Sokratis Papastathopoulos Dortmund Jersey, and dem share de country assets among demself,Vicente Matias Vuoso Mexico Jersey, dem friends and dem family.De elections barely done and de authorities in Sri Lanka start an investigation. Right away de investigators find that de former president hide over US$2 billion in different bank accounts in Dubai. That was more than de budget of de country. In fact,Julio Dominguez Jersey, is more money than nuff country got in de treasury. At least Guyana only got couple hundred dollars.An investigation will be launched soon right here in Guyana and everything wha dem think de do in de dark gun come to light.Everybody know that de investigators gun find nuff money because is only a few places these people could hide money.De thing wha got dem boys fuming is that dem boys got to pay tax pun every cent that dem earn. Jagdeo even mek poor Freddie pay tax pun he old furniture. De people who thiefing and hide de money not only thief de tax money; dem also don’t pay tax pun de thiefing tax money.Everybody know that retribution is a thing that does follow people who do bad things. Some people believe that retribution is a thing that does follow people? after dem dead. But dem boys know that retribution does visit even while you alive.All that happening to Ashni today is retribution. He do nuff bad things and he paying. De thing is that de man ain’t learning and trying to repent. Is one car accident after de next. He crash last year Mash; he crash near Mash this year. De year before he crash and mash up a girl,Paddy McNair Jersey, she car and she husband. And he still doing bad things like if he can’t learn.Jagdeo did get a warning that mek he tek a medivac out of Guyana. Odinga crash and nearly dead and when he was pun he hospital bed he call fuh de Bible de Bhagvad Gita and de Koran. Edghill crash pun de Kwakwani trail. Somebody did tell Jagdeo that he can save he soul if he give back de money he tek. He start a foundation but he never set it up fuh give back any money,Fabio Borini Liverpool Jersey, suh he still got all that money. More retribution coming fuh him and de plug ain’t big enough.Talk half and watch how dem gun holler is obeah.