標題: Faryd Mondragon Jersey Sherry Ann Tiwari
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-12 00:46  資料 私人訊息 
Faryd Mondragon Jersey Sherry Ann Tiwari
– Human Services Ministry By Rehanna Ramsay “Seventeen women died this year as a result of domestic violence, this number may have surpassed the death toll for the same period last year.”This disclosure was made by Hymawantie Lagan, Administrator of the Women Affairs Bureau within the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security.Siromanie Nadia LokhnauthMs Lagan was speaking at a vigil held in commemoration of victims of abuse, earlier this week. The event also marked the International Human Rights Day observance in Guyana.Officials from the Ministry of Human Services, concerned groups, stakeholders and members of civil society assembled in the vicinity of Parliament Buildings to participate in a vigil and observe a moment of silence in remembrance of the women, who lost their lives through domestic violence.In her feature address to the gathering, Minister of Human Services, Jennifer Webster marked the conclusion of 16 days of activism for International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women.“We are gathered here this evening on a very sad note because we are here to remember the women who were killed by the partners in 2013… The number is extremely high, 17 women have lost their lives as we speak.”As the Minister named the victims,Klaas-Jan Huntelaar Netherlands Jersey, she reminded the gathering that the women were all mothers, daughters,Tre Davious White Bills Jersey, sisters, neighbours, friends and relatives with the potential of helping to craft the nation’s development.“Moreso, this vigil is symbolic to emphasise the fact that we lost productive daughters of the soil. The loss of a mother to violence has a severe negative impact on children throughout communities of the world.”First Lady,Alex Anzalone Womens Jersey, Deolatchmie Ramotar,Ashtone Morgan Toronto Jersey, noted that violence against women and girls results in loss of productivity,Dede Westbrook Womens Jersey, among other things.“Health care and human resources are diverted to deal with these issues. This has negative consequence to us because instead of allowing resources in areas which contribute to economic development, we battling an issue which can cause stagnation of progress.“However, in Guyana we are fortunate to have the issue of violence against women and vulnerable groups comprised in parts of our nationalSirmattie Ramnaressdialogue. The Government of Guyana has exercised a great deal of concern and has invested a great deal of resources to combat this problem.”The women killed in domestic disputes include Molly James, Samantha Baggot, Angela Mc Allister, Sherry Ann Tiwari, Geeta ‘Diane’ Bhishundial, Parbattie Mangru, Sirmattie Ramnaress and Siromanie Nadia Lokhnauth.Meanwhile, around the world International Human Rights Day is observed through events aimed at educating the population, especially children and teenagers, on their human rights and the importance of upholding these in their own communities and societies.The day may also include protests to alert people of circumstances in parts of the world where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not recognized or respected. Cultural events are also organized to celebrate the importance of human rights through music, dance, drama or fine art.The UN General Assembly proclaimed December 10 as Human Rights Day in 1950, to bring to the attention ‘of the peoples of the world.Coincidentally, the memorial service of the great South African President, Nelson Mandela occurred at a Soccer Stadium in Johannesburg,Kyle Hendricks Cubs Jersey, South Africa on December 10, 2013.Geeta ‘Diane’ BhishundialSamantha BaggotParbattie Mangru