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註冊 2017-5-25
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Jerseys NFL Wholesale Cindy
Dead: Rafeek Khan By Latoya Giles The dead man’s daughter,Meliton Hernandez Mexico Jersey, Cindy,O. J. Howard Jersey, and his wife,Larry Ogunjobi Browns Jersey, CelineThe partly decomposed body of a man who disappeared on Tuesday was discovered face-down in a sand pit on the Linden/ Soesdyke Highway, yesterday afternoon.Police were unable to say whether the body bore any marks of violence.Rafeek Khan ,43, of Sand Road Soesdyke,Sergio Aguero Jersey, was reported missing on Wednesday,Javier Guemez Mexico Jersey, after he had left home the day before and failed to return.His wife, Celine Khan, told this publication yesterday that she last saw her husband on Tuesday morning after he left to do a favour for a friend.According to the woman her husband,Reuben Foster Womens Jersey, who is unemployed, received a telephone call from the friend at around 07:30 hrs asking him to go and pick “fat pork”.“He friend does mind chicken and he call and ask he to pick some (of the fruit).”The woman said her husband left shortly afterwards.After he failed to return home later in the afternoon, Khan said she became worried and tried numerous times to get him on his cell phone.“I was calling his cell phone all the time…..and he wasn’t answering so I found it strange.”The woman said that she went to the same spot where her husband’s body was found yesterday, but noticed nothing unusual.“I went to the same spot and I ain’t find nothing…so I don’t know how they find his body right where I looked.”The woman said early Wednesday morning she reported her husband’s disappearance to ranks at the Timehri Police Station. Her worst fears were confirmed yesterday when ranks at the station contacted her about a decomposing body that they had found.However, by the time she arrived at the scene, the undertakers had already removed the remains.The police however showed the woman a few of the items that were found a short distance away from the body.“They showed me a cell phone, a hat, a jersey and some cigarettes ….soon as I see them I know they belonged to my husband,” she related tearfully.The woman described her husband as a very easy going person who rarely got into problems.Mrs. Khan said that her husband was into the logging business, but was not working at the time of his death.A post mortem examination is expected to be performed today.Kaieteur News was told that Khan’s body was found a short distance away from where the body of ten-year-old Derrick Paul was found a few weeks ago.Reports reaching this newspaper had stated that the young boy had gone swimming in a dug out sand pit. Workers in the sand pit, at Soesdyke, had discovered the child’s body lying in a trail leading towards the pit.Some speculated that the lad was killed at one spot and moved to another.