標題: Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jersey however
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-31 13:02  資料 私人訊息 
Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jersey however
Senior members of the local Rastafarian community have not endorsed or committedThe photo that offended the Rastafarian communitysupport to the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). Executives of the Guyana Rastafarian Council (GRC), the Twelve Tribes of Israel,Pablo Zabaleta Manchester City Jersey, and Nyabinghi House made this clear yesterday when they expressed disgust at the party using photos of a recent meeting they had with President Donald Ramotar as part of its campaign material.Photographs of the meeting with the “Vote PPP” slogan were placed on the PPP/C Facebook page promoting concern from the Rastafarian members. The Rastafarians said that they see the use of the photos as dishonest and deceitful, since the community only met with the President to discuss their concerns and not to endorse any political party.The community’s policy does not include a political agenda and voting is the democratic right and individual choice of every member, they said.In this regard,Marquinhos Paris Saint-Germain Jersey, they said that executives were meeting with the President just as they had met with the opposition parties to state their case. They said that the opposition responded to their request and a meeting was held.They said, however,Erik Durm Dortmund Jersey, that since Ramotar came into Government three years ago,Jonny Evans Manchester United Jersey, they have been sending letters to him for an audience, but there had been no response. It was after being on a programme in mid-April on the Basil P show where they mentioned meeting with the opposition,Jorge Campos Mexico Jersey, that the Office of the President called them a day later stating that the President will meet with them.The meeting with the President, attended by Ras Binghi Trugs; ancient of Nyabinghi Order,Luis Montes Jersey, Ras Richard- treasurer of GRC and Ras Ruben of Twelve Tribe of Israel, among others, saw a four-point plan being forwarded to the Head of State.They said a photographer then entered the room and begun taking photos. To their surprise, the photos were later used as campaign material; giving the impression that the Rastafarian community endorsed them.“This is totally against the truth and what we stand for.” The executives said that their only concern is that an election is coming and they sought to make their expectations clear to both sides.The members have demanded that the PPP remove their photo as part of their campaign material as they seek to reassure the concerned membership that the organizations have not gotten tangled in political affairs and have not taken any bribes or inducements.