標題: NFL Jerseys Wholesale to address the situation
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NFL Jerseys Wholesale to address the situation
“We must choose life and find the resources to preserve it” – David Granger By Abena Rockcliffe On the heels of the recent spate of domestic violence comes A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s call for the establishment of a special Interpersonal Violence Unit to “pro-actively counter this raging crime.”APNU Leader David Granger.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, APNU made it absolutely clear that it is not prepared to engage with Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, to address the situation, as the party maintains Rohee is not competent to be functioning in his current capacity.The Party’s leader, David Granger yesterday, at a press conference, said that APNU vehemently denounces the continuing perpetration of all forms of interpersonal violence and, particularly,Hanley Ramirez Florida Marlins Jersey, violence against women.? He made no qualms to say the Partnership has completely lost confidence in the ability of the agencies of the Ministry of Human Services, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the regular units of the Guyana Police Force to deal with the “epidemic of interpersonal violence which has been plaguing the country for several years.”Granger said that his party is aware that the Guyana Police Force has long promised to install a Central Domestic Violence Unit at its Headquarters and at divisional,Chad Bettis Rockies Jersey, sub-divisional and station levels.He said, however, that it seems as if “these offices simply monitor reports and compile data. There is no task force to prevent crimes and to protect victims of interpersonal and domestic violence when and where credible threats have been identified.”According to Granger, APNU feels that there is an apparent weakness of policy, lack of will or an absence of resources within the Ministries of Human Services and Home Affairs, respectively. Interpersonal violence, as a result, he said, has been allowed to reach epidemic proportions in terms of its frequency, brutality and widespread nature.The Party leader said as well that the Partnership recognizes that vulnerable women and girls must be protected by more sympathetic, better-trained law enforcement agencies supported by a stronger judicial system. Granger added that APNU also recognizes the need for more support systems for vulnerable women and girls in crisis, and an increase in the number of safe homes for abused, battered, trafficked and sexually-exploited women and girls.Deborah BackerIn light of all he mentioned, Granger said that the existing Neighbourhood, Community Policing and Citizens’ Security Programmes must be given specific roles to identify human safety situations which have the potential to become violent. Granger added that APNU insists that incidents of inter-personal violence must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, “regardless of the class,Cheap Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, race, status or wealth of the perpetrators.”Further, Granger disclosed APNU’s insistence that the early education curricula for boys and girls, beginning with the primary schools,Cheap Jerseys, should include the teaching of values and standards aimed at eliminating the mentality and factors that contribute to disrespect and the abuse of women and girls.“There must also be a positive change in political culture that recognizes the worth of women and girls,” insisted Granger.He made known as well that APNU calls on the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration to take immediate action to prevent the crime, to punish violators, and to eradicate the scourge of inter-personal violence.“The Partnership demands also that, where such violence occurs, measures should be taken to protect women from being subjected to such abuse, and to aid their easy access to justice and safety.?Women who are mothers and who are responsible for the reproduction of future generations have been most frequently the victims of violence. They deserve the protection of the state.”As he summed up his statement, Granger said that “APNU encourages all citizens of Guyana to work together for the elimination of interpersonal violence.”A few months back, the National Assembly reached consensus on a Motion that will see the establishment of a Parliamentary Management Committee and the designation of a day to be observed under the theme, “Parliamentarians Against Interpersonal Violence”. On this day,Ben Zobrist Cubs Jersey, the National