標題: Miguel Montero Cubs Jersey –
Rank: 4

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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-9 12:51  資料 私人訊息 
Miguel Montero Cubs Jersey –
– alleged culprit said to have diedOfficials of the Trafficking in Persons Department are scheduled to interview the nine year-old girl whose parents practically sold her to a gold miner.This is according to Region One representative of the Guyana Women Miners Association Stephanie Miguel.Yesterday, Miguel said that Ms. Williams of the Trafficking Department of the Ministry of Social Protection has requested to meet with the child to further investigate her statements.The Guyana Police Force had responded to the issue saying that the young girl was examined and was found to not be sexually active.Upon informing Miguel of this during an interview she responded saying that since the child has been in her care, the girl has maintained that she was living home with a man having sex with him for the period of one year.The child has admitted to being taken to a doctor accompanied by a female police. Miguel finds it disturbing that the police would say that the child has not been sexually active.Compounding the matter further is the fact that the miner,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, who is said to have abused the child, reportedly died a few days ago.The girl’s 15 year-old brother is currently in custody for that matter.In a previous interview with this publication Miguel said that the child lived in the Port Kaituma backdam with her parents and two brothers. Miguel stated that the girl’s father only speaks the Carib dialect.According to her, residents of the mining community know exactly what transpired. She said that the man was allowed to have his way with the girl since he would sponsor the family with food supplies regularly.Miguel said that after the issue was finally exposed the girl along with her brothers,Mauricio Pinilla Jersey, aged 11 and eight were taken to the Port Kaituma Police Station. However,Tim Howard Jersey, she said that the officers could not keep the children at the station; hence a home had to be found for them.According to Miguel the children were placed to live with a woman but were later seen going home with their mother. Miguel said she then intercepted them and the girl,Clay Matthews Packers Jersey, and her brothers have been staying with her for over a week.According to her,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the welfare officer in the area,Brent Seabrook Jersey, Ms. Bibi and the Probation Officer Collis Jacobs are aware of the situation.She said that the question as to what is the next step with the children is being considered. The children after being away from school for some time were given uniforms and are now attending classes.