標題: Dawuane Smoot Youth Jersey 5p5goyy3
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-9 12:08  資料 私人訊息 
Dawuane Smoot Youth Jersey 5p5goyy3
Sonny playing ketcha wid de Feds. Of course the Feds use the English term,Jonas Brazil Jersey, ‘Hide and Seek’. Now people talking how Easy Jet hard to find and de boss more hard to find. He office claim how he talking wid de Feds by Internet.Well it hard fuh dem boys understand how de Feds gun spend whole day sitting down and chatting wid Sonny. Then Sonny decide fuh play de blame game. What got dem boys worried is how everybody get blame fuh wha happen. Sonny blame Swift Air.He claim how Swift Air tek way de plane and lef passengers stranded. Dem boys know that dem same passengers didn’t complain. Then Sonny claim how de same Swift Air owe he nuff money. Now people want to know if Swift Air was actually keeping money that some people pay in de dark.Dem couldn’t give Sonny because de Feds would zero in pun it and Sonny couldn’t explain. Now that de airline collapse people finding out wheh de money deh. Then Sonny blame de government. He claim how de government sabotage him. And he might be right. De Bees want de plane and Uncle Donald decide to put a spike in dem wheel.He blame de Waterfalls paper too. Then he tun and blame Caribbean Airlines. He blame everybody but heself. Dem boys seh that if he didn’t mek he hand fast he wouldn’t have to blame anybody.Talk half and wait fuh more blame.