標題: Johnny Bench Reds Jersey ALBION
Rank: 4

UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-18 07:36  資料 私人訊息 
Johnny Bench Reds Jersey ALBION
ALBION, CORENTYNE – Five of the top performers from Region Six,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment, were honoured by the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce.The presentation was done during the opening ceremony of the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair on Friday at the Albion Sports Complex.Some of the top performers in Region SixThe top five in East Berbice /Corentyne were Raman Arjune, Dadia John, Arifa Mohamed,Joe McKnight College Jersey, Trevor Ramjohn,Giants #27 Juan Marichal Grey Cool Base Stitched MLB Jersey, and Simeon Singh.They all earned places at Queen’s College in the capital city.Raman Arjune attended the Edinburgh Primary School. He scored 559 marks at the National Grade Six Assessment. He was tailed by Dadia John of Skeldon Primary who achieved 558 marks. Arifa Mohamed of Cumberland Primary attained 552 marks,Ron Santo Cubs Jersey, Trevor Ramjohn of Cumberland Primary earned 551 and Simeon Singh of Cropper Primary,Wholesale Jerseys, 550.They were each given a certificate of merit along with a token of appreciation.Public Relations Officer of the Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce, Adrian Anamayah, explained that the Berbice Expo and Trade Fair is not only for showcasing goods and services but all areas including academic achievement.In 2006, six of the high flyers in the region were awarded and five each in 2007 and last year.For the past three years, the Chamber also donated a trophy annually to the best graduating Agriculture student of the Tain Campus of the University of Guyana.Meanwhile, in a recent interview, Education Officer in Region Six, Shafiran Bhajan said East Berbice /Corentyne recorded a nine percent increase in performance in this year’s assessment.Of the 3,105 students who wrote the examination,Miguel Cabrera Tigers Jersey, 2,721 were awarded places at discreet secondary schools. This represents 88 percent, an increase over the 79 percent in 2008.