標題: Cordrea Tankersley Dolphins Jersey Facebook
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-17 14:08  資料 私人訊息 
Cordrea Tankersley Dolphins Jersey Facebook
Police have detained an uncle of 28-year-old Dexter Gaspar, as well as a woman,Jordon Ibe Liverpool Jersey UK, as investigations intensified yesterday into the murder of the Hand-in-Hand Insurance supervisor.Kaieteur News understands that the two were taken into custody yesterday and that investigators are checking leads which suggest that a property dispute may be the motive for the killing.Gaspar,Sam Johnstone Manchester Jersey, of Lot 2566 Kaikan Street, North Ruimveldt, was found dead in his home on Wednesday with stab wounds to the neck.This newspaper was told that police were alerted some time after 16:00 hours Wednesday by relatives who noticed the front door and the verandah door ajar. Gaspar was reportedly found in a bedroom in the upper flat with his feet tied,Malik McDowell Jersey, mouth bound and with two wounds to his neck.One of the dead man’s co-workers said that they became concerned when Gaspar failed to post anything on the popular social network,Tim Duncan Wake Forest Jersey, Facebook, for the day. They became even more concerned when they were unable to reach him on his mobile phone. The colleagues eventually decided to check at Gaspar’s home. They were met by police ranks and an uncle who informed them that Gaspar had been murdered.According to some residents,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Gel-Hyper-33-Asics/, no strangers were seen leaving the victim’s house.Many of Gaspar’s colleagues said that his death came as a shock since he was a very peaceful and religious person.This newspaper was told that Gaspar was actively involved in several youth programmes,Obi Melifonwu Jersey, both locally and overseas, and never complained of having problems with anyone.