標題: Toni Kroos Jersey Benn noted
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2595
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-27 02:19  資料 私人訊息 
Toni Kroos Jersey Benn noted
Minister Robeson Benn has revealed a hefty $600M estimate for the dredging of the Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo Rivers.The figures were given as part of his answer to an oral question posed by opposition member,Oribe Peralta Mexico Jersey, Sheila Holder.He told the National Assembly that the dredging of these rivers is one of the areas receiving attention under the preparation of plans for the 2012 budget.He noted that the figures are indicative; however proper engineering numbers and statistics will have to be taken after a joint evaluation by the Ministry of Public Works and the planning unit of the Ministry of Finance.Benn stated that the Berbice River is being continuously dredged owing to activities related to bauxite shipping. He averaged that some 20 million cubic meters of silt are removed from the waterway each year in an effort to achieve an 8.3m draught in the channel.According to Benn,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, the average monthly figures for such an activity are $40M to $50M per month which when evaluated on a yearly basis adds up to some $480M to $600M each year.The Demerara River, Benn noted, was being dredged this year up till the end of April when difficulties with the barge Steve ‘N’ eventually brought the works to a halt.The Minister revealed that the barge is overdue for general docking and is currently awaiting its turn to get into dry dock at the Guyana National Industrial Company Wharf. He noted that there are currently tenders in place to acquire the parts for the barge, as was the case a few months ago when the contract to dry dock the barge was tendered out.He said that the intention is to see the Steve ‘N’ undertaking maintenance dredging in the last quarter of this year and all of next year. An activity that according to Benn is expected to move some 800,Budda Baker Cardinas Jersey,000 cubic metres of silt and that will carry a $500M price tag.Meanwhile,Tim Krul Netherlands Jersey, the state of the Essequibo River has been said to be seeing a general deficit of attention over the years,Zane Gonzalez Womens Jersey, according to Benn.He noted that the Ministry is planning to do work at Chalmer’s point where some 300,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys,000 cubic metres of silt will be removed at a cost of approximately $60M. This work is expected to be done near the end of the last quarter of the year.