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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
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發表於 2017-8-21 11:52  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys co ag
The Georgetown Magistrates’ Court … rehabilitation citedIn an effort to facilitate repairs and rehabilitation of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court building which is situated at the Avenue of the Republic and Brickdam,Brett Lawrie White Sox Jersey, the courts will be relocated to 92 Middle Street,Dave Concepcion Reds Jersey, the former Globe Trust Building.This announcement was made yesterday by Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag) Carl Singh. The notices were posted around the courts yesterday.This change will be effective from Monday March 7.The public is therefore advised that Courts One,Troy Polamalu USC Jersey, Two,Barry Larkin Reds Jersey, Three,Jim Rice Red Sox Jersey, Five, Eight and Nine, which are housed at the Avenue of the Republic location,Victor Martinez Tigers Jersey, will now be at the Globe Trust Building in Middle Street.A number of persons have all welcomed the change but have a raised a few concerns. For instance, it has been asked where the prisoners will be kept. Kaieteur News has not been able to ascertain this.