標題: Ben Gedeon Youth Jersey too
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2595
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-28 01:27  資料 私人訊息 
Ben Gedeon Youth Jersey too
… assistance promised from NetherlandsMinister of Public Infrastructure,Trey Hendrickson Youth Jersey, David Patterson, yesterday announced that Government is awaiting the approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a technical team from the Netherlands to support Guyana’s National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) task force.At the weekly press briefing at the Office of the Presidency, the Minister noted that several preliminary reports of the drainage system situation in Guyana will be provided to him within six months.He said that the reports will provide information dating back to the “British Guiana days” as a means of truly understanding Guyana’s drainage system and solving the flood situation once and for all.Patterson said that six months would be good enough time for this report to be provided simply because the Ministry is not only projecting what exists, but it also wants to deal with the situation by crafting for it, a long term solution.He said that provisions to resolve the flooding situation will be made for approximately 20 years which they are preparing.? The Public Infrastructure Minister noted that the work of this magnitude cannot be done in a day or a week but over time.As for the Task Force which will also be part of crafting the long term solution to the flooding situation in Guyana, Patterson revealed that heading the team is retired Major General Joe Singh. He said Government has also invited other persons to be part of the Task Force.These include Charles Sohan, Malcolm Ali, Stanley Ming, Joseph Holder and Dr. David Singh,Douglas Santos Brazil Jersey, along with representatives from other agencies.He said that Task Force will also be going around the country conducting its own assessments.Patterson said, too, that his Ministry also has plans for extensive rehabilitation for many roads which will be added to the annual budget. He said, too,Keisuke Honda Jersey, that once the financing is approved, his Ministry plans to construct roads which have not been done before.He said that for those persons who never envisioned having proper roadways in their communities, they will certainly benefit from such a plan.Minister Patterson stated that they will continue to clean drains and repair roads which are on the same agenda, but deemed the problem much bigger than that.Six different agencies are said to be looking at drainage systems in the city which the Ministry wants to take a holistic approach to solve.Civil Defence Commission Director, Colonel (Ret’d) Chabilal Ramsarup,Ashtone Morgan Toronto Shirts, also gave the media an update on the flood situation.Col Ramsarup reminded that last Wednesday, Guyana saw a record breaking 8.3 inches of rainfall which was deemed unusual by the City’s Mayor, Mr. Hamilton Green, which left several regions under water. He said that because of this, Patterson asked that he activate the NEOC task force.Since then, he said several assessments on the situation in and around Georgetown were done. He added that the NEOC has been working around the clock to restore to normalcy.He added, “All the Regions,Will Keane Jersey, except Regions Three and Four,Jordan Willis Bengals Jersey, reported that their situation is manageable, manageable meaning that their own resources in the Region can handle the situation without us having to intervene.”He said that for Regions Three and Four, the water remained on the ground for about four days according to data received from reports given to the NEOC.As for Region Four, he said that they were forced to open shelters in the hardest hit areas in Georgetown; especially the community of Albouystown and to date those shelters still remain operational.Three hot meals a day are currently being provided to shelters according to Col Ramsarup. He said that food supplies from Food for the Poor were donated to assist in this cause.“We have started to distribute stuff to persons which includes food, some clothing, some of those were distributed in Albouystown,” Col Ramsarup said.He also added, “We are recommending that the water situation remain as is when we visited Albouystown. Sanitation kits, personal hygiene kits were received from Food for the Poor, we will also be distributing, as well as the shoes and clothing that we received.”NEOC will be going to all the Regions to assess the positions of the drainage system with the various organisations such as the Neighbourhood Democratic