標題: Josh Malone Youth Jersey Dexter Marques
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-29 22:31  資料 私人訊息 
Josh Malone Youth Jersey Dexter Marques
Former bantamweight and Caribbean Boxing Federation champion,Patrick Roberts Manchester City Jersey, Dexter Marques,Ben Gedeon Womens Jersey, will beDexter Marquesspending the next 59 months behind bars for wounding two females last year.The sentence was handed down by Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday.According to the facts,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Marques had wounded two females to cause them actual bodily harm. The man had chopped the mother of his children and his mother-in-law after an altercation. When the mother-in-law intervened in a matter with his partner,Cordrea Tankersley Youth Jersey, she was wounded.Marques was sentenced to five years on each count. However,Guillermo Varela Manchester United Jersey, the sentences would run concurrently.The prosecution had proved its case against the defendant and the Magistrate handed down the sentence.Marques is a well known figure in the boxing world having won prestigious boxing matches.