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註冊 2017-5-25
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Wholesale Jerseys Paypal Childlink Guyana
By Rehanna RamsayScores of Guyanese swarmed the Georgetown High Court yesterday,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/England/, for the conclusion of what is being called one of the most high profile murder trials in recent years.Bibi Shareema Gopaul, 42, and her 37-year -old lover, Jarvis Barry Small, were sentenced to a combined 202 years in jail for the murder of her teenage daughter, Neesa Gopaul.Yesterday, following a month-long trial, Justice Navindra Singh sentenced the mother, Bibi Shareema Gopaul, to 106 years in jail, and Jarvis Barry Small to 96 years.The sentence was handed down after a mixed 12- member jury deliberated for three hours, before delivering a unanimous guilty verdict to a packed courtroom of curious onlookers.In handing down his ruling, Justice Singh noted that both sentences started with a base of 60 years for the murder. The Judge added 10 years to each sentence for premeditation; 10 years for brutality, 10 years because it was child that was murdered and six years because the matter is related to domestic violence.He however added an extra 10 years to Gopaul’s sentence since she had been found guilty of killing her own child.The atmosphere of the courtroom and its environs became increasingly tense prior to the verdict. The panel took almost three hours to return the verdict.Persons filed into the courtroom for the decision. The crowd consisted of lawyers, magistrates, police officers and civilians.Some persons had to stand, even though additional benches were placed in the courtroom.DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY?After the announcement of the verdict, Justice Singh asked the accused whether they had anything to say before passing sentence.A straight-faced Small stood up and told the judge that he did not believe he received a fair trial. “It was more like a media trial; I believe that prejudicial material was entered into in this case.“I believe the Judge is unfair and more of a politician by nature. There is no evidence presented in this case that could be used against me or anybody to (convict us) for murder,” the former gym instructor said.Justice Singh told Small that he (Singh) has no political ambitions, but that “the case speaks for itself. The jury has made a decision.”Small’s lawyer then requested a probation report, but the judge did not grant his request.Bibi Gopaul stood shaking in the dock. She told the court that she had not lied, that everything she said could be verified.“Sir, when you directed the jury you could have done a little more in my favour.”She noted that the Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, had visited the prison twice when she was incarcerated.Gopaul said that she told Rohee about the case and he in turn told her that he knew about the case,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but that “there is a lot more to it than that.”Gopaul’s attorney had requested a non-custodial sentence. However, Justice Singh told the woman that he could not imagine what kind of monster she could be to participate in the murder of her own child.“You lied throughout this trial. I know you might not live out this sentence, but I hope wherever you go, you serve it there,” the judge said.SUMMING UP THE EVIDENCEJustice Singh summed up the evidence presented in the trial that has riveted Guyana for the last four weeks. During the summing up, the Judge told the jury which consisted of six males and six females that they are the sole judges of the fact when reviewing the evidence.Justice Singh told the jurors that they were free to accept or refute the views presented by the prosecution and the defence in the trial.“You must consider the evidence and make decisions without sympathy, prejudice or fear.”The judge told the jurors that the persons charged are to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise.He gave the panel the definitions for certain terms in accordance with the law and urged the panel to use commonsense, intelligence and experience before arriving at a verdict.Justice Singh told the court that the evidence can be either direct or circumstantial. As such he noted that the trial was one based on circumstantial evidence.The Judge said that the Prosecution was required to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.Justice Singh thereafter recalled the evidence of 27 witnesses, who testified in the trial.The courtroom audience sat upright and listened attentively for in excessive of four hours as the judge recounted the evidence.The Judge said that the prosecution had to prove that it was Neesa Gopaul who had died; that she died as a result of injuries she received and a within a year a day after injuries were inflicted, and that the two accused persons are responsible for her death.The judge recounted the evidence of numerous police witnesses who told the court that in October 2010 Crime Scene Investigators (CSIs) retrieved a body purported to be that of the missing teenager from a creek at