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註冊 2017-5-25
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Cheap NFL Jerseys China CEO Olato Sam
… Those with 25 years of service, honoured in Linden “At its most basic level, in my opinion, a necessary requisite is the need to really love what you do. I can see a distinct difference in the way individuals execute their responsibility when this element is present, as opposed toRegional Education Officer Mrs. Marcia Paddy-Andrews (left) CEO Olato Sam (centre) and Pastor Selwyn Sills at head table.when it is absent,” said Chief Education Officer Olato Sam.He was addressing the graduation ceremony of 18 teachers who successfully completed the Education Management Programme, at the Egbert Benjamin Exhibition Centre in Linden on Wednesday.The event also saw teachers with 25 years and more service being honoured and presented with tokens of appreciation.Sam said that it saddens him when he interacts with teachers who do not see the value in what they do,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, but “simply do it because it puts a meal on the table.”“One has to appreciate the bigger picture. My most valuable teachers are the ones who internalize the fact that their work is of national importance. We are in the business of shaping lives and defining outcomes. When you understand that,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, it is reflected in your attitude and the degree of seriousness and importance you attribute to your task. This ceases to become ‘a wuk’ as some of them call it and enters the realm of a career and a lifelong endeavor.”The CEO also cited selflessness as a key “criterion”.“Those who examine what we do would quickly come to the realization that we give and then are called to give more. As such, we must place what we do beyond ourselves and realise that it is truly in giving that we receive.? The countless people we serve must be our motivation at the beginning and end of the day, on weekends and way into the night.”He added, “We must now work diligently to restore that pride and solid social standing to the service endeavours of teachers. We are the individuals who shape and define the nature and tenor of this nation. We should regard ourselves as such, and collectively work to ensure that the legacy we leave for our children to inherit is one of greatness.Some of the teachers who were honored.“Simply put, we are ordinary people, in ordinary pursuits,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who can make an extraordinary difference in the lives of many. Lets’ embrace that!”Regional Education Officer, Marcia Andrews-Paddy, said that she had never thought of showing appreciation to “our teachers in this way”.? She said that the idea was given by Mr. Olato Sam himself at a meeting of Regional Education Officers,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, for which she thanked him.Andrews-Paddy acknowledged that there are many teachers who would have served in the region and education districts, and are forgotten after they retire.“Before you go, this is a very big thank you. It gives me great pleasure to be part of this double celebration. I am extremely happy to say congratulations to the graduating class of 2015 Ministry of Education Management Certificate course.? We recognize that these are the trees that weathered the storm. I want to recognize those teachers that have given 25 years and more of their lives to the education system.“We at the department humbly submit to you that we do appreciate the years and years of tireless service.? The department recognizes the need to reward good services in the education system. We believe that when people do well they should be recognized for it,China Jerseys Cheap, and that we should let them know it.Ms. Ava Chapman, Regional Literacy Coordinator, and one of the trainers that outlined the course said, “The Education Management Certificate Programme for Head Teachers and aspiring Head Teachers was launched in 2000 as a pilot in Region Two.? It is now operated from NCERD’s Headquarters in Georgetown as a National Programme leading to the Education Certificate.”Chapman stated that for certification,Sale NFL Jerseys, a pass mark must be achieved in both Part One and Part Two,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, and all modules must be successfully completed including assignments. And added that, Education is not a privilege, it is a right. (Enid Joaquin)